Franz Josef Vonbun

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Franz Josef Vonbun (born November 28, 1824 in Laz , † March 17, 1870 in Schruns ) was an Austrian doctor , dialect poet and collector of sagas .

As the sixth child of Franz Josef and Katharina Vonbun, nee Martin, he was given into the care of his cousin Johann Martin in Raggal at the age of 4 . There he attended the village school and learned Latin from pastor Johann Baptist Rinder. This prompted the inclusion in high school in Feldkirch in the fall of 1836. 1842 he moved the lyceum in Innsbruck to the philosophy to devote.

In 1844 he went to to Vienna to there medicine to study, moved in 1848 to the University of Munich and returned in 1849 to Vienna, where he received his doctorate. He settled briefly in Feldkirch as a doctor, but moved to Schruns in 1850 due to a lack of a practice.

Fonts (selection)

  • Folk tales from Vorarlberg , 1847
  • The sagas of Vorarlberg , 1858
  • Contributions to German mythology collected in Churrhätien , 1862
  • Feldkirch and its surroundings , 1868


Web links

Wikisource: Franz Josef Vonbun  - Sources and full texts