Franz Michael Leuchsenring

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Franz Michael Leuchsenring (born April 13, 1746 in Langenkandel, today Kandel , † beginning of February 1827 in Paris ) was a man of letters from the genius period of the 18th century, especially the sensitive Werther period . After the French pronunciation of his name, he also called himself Monsieur Liserin .


In 1769, Franz Michael Leuchsenring became Unterhofmeister of the Hereditary Prince of Darmstadt and became acquainted with Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi , Johann Gottfried Herder , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and the Merckschen Kreis in Darmstadt, but almost all of them soon broke with him because nobody trusted him. Goethe wrote his carnival play about “Pater Brey” on him, in which Leuchsenring, according to Jacobi's expression, “was drawn in an unclean manner, but after life in the most faithful way”.

In 1782 Leuchsenring came to Berlin, in 1784 he briefly taught philosophy to Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm . He got in touch with Friedrich Nicolai , Johann Erich Biester and Moses Mendelssohn and was elected a member of the Berlin Wednesday Society. He then went to Switzerland as the leader of a young Berliner and later lived as a Jacobin in Paris, where he died in 1827.

Leuchsenring is said to have planned to found a secret order of sensitivity . After Urs Viktor Kamber he was a member of the Illuminati .


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