Franz Stypmann

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Franz Stypmann (born June 14, 1612 in Greifswald ; † February 26, 1650 there ) was a German professor of law.


Franz Stypmann was the son of the Greifswald businessman Franz Stypmann and Barbara Botters. He attended the city school and received private lessons. He studied with Joachim Völschow at the University of Greifswald . He then went to Königsberg and from June 1630 to Rostock to continue his legal studies.

Because of the occupation of Greifswald by imperial troops , he was called home by his parents. Here he continued his studies a. a. continued with Friedrich Gerschow . In 1633 an educational trip took him to the Netherlands, Belgium and the Rhineland. After his return, Stypmann entered the service of Alexander Erskein and traveled to the Prague peace negotiations .

In 1637 he received the degree of licentiate from the law faculty in Greifswald. In 1639 he received his doctorate in law and was appointed full professor. Appointed court judge at the Greifswald court in 1642 , Stypmann married Ilsabe Bunsow, the daughter of a councilor from Greifswald. After the Peace of Westphalia was concluded , he held the academic thank-you speech and jubilee speech. He was also interested in Hebrew and Greek literature as well as antiquities and theology.

Stypmann died very young of consumption.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Enrollment of Franz Stypmann in the Rostock matriculation portal

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Abraham Battus Rector of the University of Greifswald
Johann Beringe
Johannes Beringe Rector of the University of Greifswald
Johannes Heune