Franz von Ketteler

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Franz von Ketteler (lat. Franziscus ) († January 1547 ) was Prince Abbot of Corvey from 1504 until his death . Under him there was an internal reform of monastic life through joining the Bursfeld congregation . However, the Reformation also took hold during his time .


He was the son of Gotthard von Ketteler auf Assen and his mother Margarethe von Bronckhorst -Batenburg. His brother Gisbert was provost in Paderborn and canon in Münster . His brother Gotthard married Sybilla von Nesselrode . Their son Wilhelm was Prince-Bishop of Munster. Gotthard was the founder of the Kettler dynasty in Courland and Semigallia .

Ketteler entered the Liesborn monastery . He was elected Abbot of Corvey in 1504. In his election surrender he promised secular and spiritual reforms. In fact, it was during his time that the monastery became part of the Bursfeld Reform Congregation.

In worldly terms, he tried, sometimes with success, to redeem pledged goods. Others remained in pledges, and circumstances forced him to sell other properties. During his time, the half of the city of Marsberg, which still belonged to Corvey, was sold to the Archbishop of Cologne .

The prince-bishop of Paderborn , Erich von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen , let his troops invade and plunder the abbey area. As a result of the Hildesheim collegiate feud , the Office of Hunnesrück, which was administered from Hunnesrück Castle until 1521 , an administrative unit established by the Hildesheim Monastery in 1310 after the purchase of the County of Dassel , fell to the Duchy of Braunschweig at the same time as several other offices . This ended differences that flared up under Bishop Robert von Horohusen between Corvey and Hildesheim over rights of use in sub-areas of the Solling , which was already the border area between the Augau around Höxter and the Suilbergau in Saxon times .

In later years von Ketteler did not succeed in stopping the Reformation from penetrating.

During his time, the first five books of the Annals of Tacitus were found in the monastery library in 1517 .


  • Georg Viktor Schmid: The secularized dioceses of Germany . Vol. 1. Gotha, 1858 p. 133
  • Helmut Müller: The dioceses of the church province of Cologne. The diocese of Münster 5. The canon monastery and Benedictine monastery Liesborn . Berlin, 1987. (Germania Sacra, New Series Vol. 23), ISBN 978-3-11-011002-9 , p. 315
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Ebeling: The German bishops until the end of the sixteenth century . Volume 1, Leipzig 1858 p. 353
predecessor Office successor
Hermann III. from Bömelberg Abbot of Corvey
Kaspar I of Hörsel