Friedrich Deinhardt

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Friedrich W. Deinhardt (born May 26, 1926 in Gütersloh ; † April 30, 1992 in Munich ) was a German microbiologist and virologist .


Deinhardt studied medicine at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and the University of Hamburg . The Corps Thuringia Jena, which was then based in Hamburg, reciprocated him in 1950. In 1952 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD . He did research at the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia with Werner Henle and Gertrude Henle as a virologist, initially on mumps and animal tumor viruses . From 1961 he was an Associate Professor and from 1966 Professor of Microbiology at the University of Illinois . In 1977 he returned to Germany and was professor at the Max von Pettenkofer Institute for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology in Munich, where he was director for 15 years.

He was an internationally recognized expert on hepatitis viruses and also one of the first to postulate the existence of a hepatitis virus. Deinhardt was to develop a vaccine against hepatitis A involved. Another area of ​​research was retroviruses in monkeys and he was active in AIDS research in the 1980s . Deinhardt was an advisor to the World Health Organization on issues relating to vaccines against viruses and was in charge of an EU initiative for the development of AIDS vaccines (EVA, European vaccine against Aids). Deinhardt was also one of the first to use marmosets in animal experiments.

He was married to the British scientist Jean Deinhardt and had two sons. He was a US citizen from 1961 to 1991.


  • With Jean Deinhardt (ed.): Viral hepatitis: laboratory and clinical science , Marcel Dekker, New York 1983.



  • Maurice R. Hilleman A tribute to Professor Friedrich W. Deinhardt, scientist and statesman, 1926-1992 , Journal of Medical Virology, Volume 39, 1993, p. 89, and Journal of Hepatology 18 (1993), p. 2.
  • Memories of Prof. Dr. Friedrich Deinhardt, collected by Johanna Schlögl-Brachtendorf and Gabriele Taraz-Yazdi, Verlag Donaudruck GmbH, 1998.

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 174/1130
  2. Dissertation: Investigations on the question of the specificity of cold hemagglutination based on comparative studies of the influence of cholesterol suspensions on the rate of sedimentation of the blood cells, cold hemagglutination and Hanganutziu-Deichertsche heteroagglutination .