Friedrich Ernst Krukenberg

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Friedrich Krukenberg (born April 1, 1871 in Halle an der Saale , † February 20, 1946 there ) was a German pathologist and ophthalmologist .

life and work

Krukenberg, son of a judiciary, comes from an extensive medical family.
He was the brother of the surgeon Hermann Krukenberg (1863-1935) and the Bonn gynecologist Georg Peter Heinrich Krukenberg (1856-1899), as well as the great grandson of the Halle anatomist Peter Krukenberg (1787-1865).
He studied at the universities of Freiburg , Marburg , Halle and Rostock . In Marburg he did his doctorate under the pathologist Felix Jacob Marchand (1846-1928) with his work "Ueber das Fibrosarcoma ovarii mucocellulare carcinomatodes" , the Krukenberg tumor later named after him .
In Rostock he began his ophthalmological training under Theodor Axenfeld (1867–1930) and became a senior physician.
In 1903 he returned to Halle as a practicing ophthalmologist.

The Krukenberg spindle is named after him.

Publications (selection)

Friedrich Krukenberg: About the Fibrosarcoma ovarii mucocellulare (carcinomatodes). Arch. Gynak. 50 (1896): 287-321

Friedrich Krukenberg: Demonstration of 2 cases of keratoconus. MünchMed weekly publication 47/1 (1900). P. 172

Friedrich Krukenberg: Glaucoma excavation of the lamina cribrosa without excavation of the papilla in a glaucoma inflammatorium acutum. In Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd Volume 38 (supplement) 1900, pp. 47-55.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "About the Fibrosarcoma ovarii mucocellulare carcinomatodes"
  2. Friedrich Krukenberg: Both sides congenital melanosis of the cornea . In: Klin monthly Augenheilkd . tape 37 , 1899, pp. 254-258 .