Friedrich Henning von Arnim

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Friedrich Henning von Arnim (born June 25, 1804 in Merseburg , † January 21, 1885 in Dresden ) was a German entrepreneur and manor owner on Crossen and Oberau .


He came from the Planitz branch of the von Arnim family and was the youngest son of the Merseburg canon Carl Christoph III. von Arnim auf Planitz, Voigtsgrün, Irfersgrün, Crossen and Groß Milkau and his second wife Johanna Louise née von Möllendorf. After the early death of the father on February 23, 1812, his property fell to the widow, the three underage sons and the first-wedded daughter, Caroline Louise, married von Böhlau. On November 3, 1814, these settled the assignment of the claims of the mother and half-sister in favor of the three brothers in an inheritance settlement.

After they came of age, the brothers shared the property by buying them out. Heinrich (1800–1855) received Planitz, Hans Carl (1802–1857) Kriebstein and Friedrich Henning the nearby manors Crossen and Groß Milkau . The purchase of Heinrich and Hans Carl's shares in the Crossen inheritance and allodial property to Friedrich Henning, completed on November 21, 1828, was confirmed by King Anton on May 7, 1830. Friedrich Henning von Arnim later acquired the Gersdorf near Roßwein and Oberau near Meißen estates as well as a country estate in Oberlößnitz and a house in Dresden . In 1838 he married his cousin Franziska von Böhlau. In 1841 his only son Carl Christoph IV was born.

In 1843 he and his brothers leased the Königin-Marien-Hütte in Cainsdorf for five years from the Saxon Ironworks Company. After the lease expired, the brothers bought the ironworks as a family property in 1848. The von Arnimsche coal works in Planitz were jointly owned by the brothers . In a settlement concluded on June 17, 1854 about the Planitz manor, Heinrich von Arnim was entitled to an eternal and non-cancellable usufruct of two thirds of the Planitz coal mountain, although this right was granted to the male descendants after death.

At the Saxon state parliaments in 1848 and from 1850 to 1855 he was a member of the Second Chamber as deputy member of the manor owners of the Leipzig district .

After the death of his wife, Friedrich Henning von Arnim moved with his three children to Oberau Castle in 1855 . On May 9, 1855, together with his brother Heinrich, he acquired all the property of the Saxon Ironworks Company, including its mines, by assignment. After Heinrich von Arnim, who had run the family business, died in 1855, his widow Isolde zur Lippe-Weißenfeld took over the management of the family property with Friedrich Henning's support. In 1856 Heinrich's share was transferred to his sons Alexander Joseph Karl Bernhard and Achim Arno. In 1873 the family sold the Königin-Marien-Hütte to the Deutsche Reichs- und Continental-Eisenbahnbau-Gesellschaft. After his only son died in 1876, he brought a large part of his fortune into the von Arnimsche Family Foundation, which became the seat of the Crossen Manor. Friedrich Henning von Arnim also exercised the office of royal Saxon justice of the peace in Crossen.

With his death, the House of Crossen of the von Arnim family died out. The inheritance fell to his daughters Marie Luise Gräfin zur Lippe-Weißenfeld and Johanne Karoline von Carlowitz. His grave is in the cemetery in Crossen , today part of the municipality of Erlau in the district of central Saxony .

His daughter Johanne Karoline (1850–1909) had been married to Dietrich Carl von Carlowitz , a member of the Saxon state parliament and the German Reichstag , since 1872 .


  • Carl Schiffner : From the life of old Freiberg mountain students. Vol. 1, Verlag E. Mauckisch, Freiberg 1935, p. 217.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sächsisches Staatsarchiv-Bergarchiv Freiberg, 40196 Family Archives von Arnim No. 552 Attestation of the Adelig Arnimschen Courts zu Planitz v. March 4, 1816
  2. ^ Sächsisches Staatsarchiv-Bergarchiv Freiberg, 40196 Family Archives von Arnim No. 202 Copy of the confirmation document about the sale of Crossen
  3. ^ Sächsisches Staatsarchiv-Bergarchiv Freiberg, 40196 Family Archives von Arnim No. 561 Comparison of the manor Planitz
  4. Josef Matzerath : Aspects of Saxon State Parliament History - Presidents and Members of Parliament from 1833 to 1952. Saxon State Parliament 2001, p. 89.
  5. ^ Sächsisches Staatsarchiv-Bergarchiv Freiberg, 40196 Family Archives von Arnim No. 109 Recognition certificate of the Adelig Arnimschen Courts in Planitz
  6. ^ Sächsisches Staatsarchiv-Bergarchiv Freiberg, 40015 Bergamt Schneeberg No. 1382 Kaufbuch 1835–1856
  8. ^ Sächsisches Staatsarchiv-Bergarchiv Freiberg, 40196 Family Archives von Arnim