Friedrich Karl Daniel Jansen

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Friedrich Karl Daniel Jansen (born September 17, 1823 in Seegalendorf , † July 14, 1894 in Kiel ) was a historian and teacher.


His parents were Daniel Wilhelm Jansen and Margaretha, born in Holland. Höper. Friedrich Karl Daniel Jansen visited the Katharineum in Lübeck and studied in Kiel and Berlin. In 1848 he passed the education authority exam and in the same year became an assistant teacher (from 1851 teacher) at the Meldorfer Scholars' School . In 1854 he moved to the Kiel School of Academics , where he was appointed sub-rector in 1865 . In 1873 he became the first senior teacher ( vice-principal ) at the Kiel grammar school and the following year he was titular professor . In 1876 he received an honorary doctorate in Kiel .

His estate is in the Schleswig-Holstein State Archives .

Fonts (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Jansen, Friedrich Karl Daniel. In: Lexicon of the Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers from 1829 to mid-1866. 1. Dept., Academic Bookshop, Kiel 1867.
  2. Jansen, Friedrich Karl Daniel. In: Lexicon of Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburg and Eutinian writers from 1866–1882: following the author's lexicon from 1829–1866. Volume 1, Biernatzki, Kiel 1885.
  3. Dept. 399.1182: Jansen, Karl