Friedrich Ludwig Reinhold

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Friedrich Ludwig Reinhold (born September 13, 1766 in Staven ; † April 12, 1832 in Woldegk ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran clergyman and educator .


Friedrich Ludwig Reinhold was a son of the Staven pastor Christian Gottfried Reinhold († 1786) and his wife, the Staven pastor's daughter Agnesa Amalia, born. Bartholdi (1728-1796). He attended the scholarly school in Neubrandenburg and studied Protestant theology at the universities of Halle , Jena and Rostock from 1783 to 1785 . From 1793 until his death he worked as a pastor in Woldegk and at the same time in the parish of Pasenow (now part of Helpt ) , which is parish after Woldegk .

In 1801 he founded the Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitzsche seminar for country school teacher of the ducal with support in Woldegk Domaniums , 1807 to Neustrelitz and 1821 after Mirow was moved. In 1821 he founded a private training institute for teachers at knightly and urban rural schools in Woldegk, of which he was the director. He wrote new school books for both institutions. In addition, he published sermons, devotional and edification books, educational writings and articles for Mecklenburg magazines.

Reinhold was married to Anna Margarethe Friederike, born in 1795. von der Hardt († December 6, 1834), a daughter of the Imperial Austrian Obristwachtmeister Friedrich Alexander von der Hardt. The couple had six children, including Albert and Werner Reinhold .


  • Message from the Herzoglich Meklenburg-Strelitzische Bildungsanstalt for sexton and country school teachers, together with a description of the seminars in Stettin, Ludwigslust, Greifswald and Berlin. 1802
  • About the first lesson in reading. 1803
  • Ideas about the exterior of evangelical worship. Neustrelitz: Albanus 1805
  • New spelling book. 1803; 3rd edition 1816
  • Num Confessioni Augustanae addicti cum Zwinglii et Calvini asseclis societatem ineuntes novam constituant ecclesiam? Adler, Rostock 1819
  • About the conversion of the Jews to Christianity: Along with a form for a baptism of proselytes. One try. Ragoczy, Prenzlau 1823 ( digitized version ), Bavarian State Library
  • Instruction for sextons and country school teachers to behave properly in their profession and position in lectures. 2 volumes, Stiller, Rostock and Schwerin 1827/28
  • Book of edification for Christians who seek the Lord. Ragoczy, Prenzlau 1826; 2nd edition, 1830 ( digitized )
  • Mecklenburg. A manual for the entertainment of the educated townspeople and the farmer and for the instruction of the youth. Prenzlau 1831
  • Pious looks at the Passion of Jesus Christ, a devotional book for believing Christians. Amelang, Berlin 1832


  • Friedrich Brüssow: Friedrich Ludwig Reinhold. In: New Nekrolog der Deutschen. 10th year (1832), Voigt, Ilmenau 1834, Volume 1, pp. 278–281 ( digitized version )
  • Georg Krüger: The pastors in Stargard since the Reformation. In: Yearbooks of the Association for Mecklenburg History and Archeology. Volume 69, 1904, pp. 1-270 ( full text ), here pp. 239f.
  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 8032 .
  • Reinhold, Friedrich Ludwig. In: Stephan Sehlke: Pädagogen - Pastoren - Patrioten: Biographical manual on print material for children and young people by authors and illustrators from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania from the beginnings up to and including 1945. book on demand, 2009, p. 305

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. According to the literature, matriculation in Rostock is not documented in the Rostock matriculation portal .
  2. According to other sources, 1824.