Friedrich Sauthoff

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Friedrich Sauthoff

Friedrich Sauthoff (born May 28, 1905 in Osnabrück ; † December 23, 1994 in Düsseldorf ) was a German mechanical engineer .

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Sauthoff, grandson of Moringer city chamberlain Heinrich Sauthoff , studied from 1923 to 1928 at the Technical University in Berlin-Charlottenburg and completed from 1929 to 1932 trained as State Railroad builder. In doing so, he examined the driving resistance of railroad cars and trains at Hans Nordmann's . With the resulting dissertation The Resistance to Movement of Railway Cars with special consideration of the more recent tests of the Deutsche Reichsbahn , Sauthoff was awarded a Dr.-Ing. In 1932 at the Technical University Berlin-Charlottenburg. PhD . The main result of these investigations was Sauthoff's resistance formula , which was used until the 1980s.

After completing his doctorate, Sauthoff entered the service of the Deutsche Reichsbahn and from 1934 worked in the braking test department at the Reichsbahn repair shop in Berlin-Grunewald, which later became the test office for brakes of the Reichsbahn-Zentralamt Berlin, of which he became head in 1941. Due to the war, the Brake Testing Office was evacuated to Glogau / Silesia in January 1944 and to Göttingen / Lower Saxony in February 1945. After the Second World War it was assigned to the new Federal Railroad Central Office in Göttingen, with which it was relocated to Minden / Westphalia in 1951. The office continued to be headed by Sauthoff, who, as an expert for railway brake technology and in particular railway air brakes, participated in international technical committees and contributed to Lueger's lexicon of all technology . The Sauthoff formula and the Minden braking distance equation (1961) also go back to him. His publications were primarily devoted to railroad training.

From 1963 until his retirement in 1970, Sauthoff headed the department responsible for braking technology at the Minden Federal Railway Central Office . His services were recognized in 1972 by the award of the Federal Cross of Merit 1st Class and in 1987 by the Beuth Medal of Honor of the German Machine Technology Society DMG "in appreciation and grateful recognition of his great services in researching the aerodynamics and driving resistance of rail vehicles".


  • The resistance to movement of the railroad cars with special consideration of the more recent tests of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. Dissertation. Technical University of Berlin-Charlottenburg, 1933.
  • Some of the brake linkage. In: The Railway Worker. 3, 4B, 1950.
  • The mechanical load braking of the freight wagons. In: The Railway Worker. 3, 6B, 1950.
  • The brake slack adjuster. In: The Railway Worker. 3, 5B, 1950.
  • The new KE air brake. In: The Railway Worker. 7, 5A, 1954.
  • The braked weight. In: The Railway Worker. 7, 10B, 1954.
  • The KE brake, a new compressed air brake for freight and passenger trains. In: The Railway Worker. 7, 1954. Part I: pp. 137-141, Part II: pp. 169-174.
  • Brakes - Level II - Guide to the subject m 15 II for courses for beginners (railway teaching library of the Deutsche Bundesbahn, Volume 176) . 2nd revised edition, published on behalf of the main administration of the Deutsche Bundesbahn by the working group for training aids, Josef Keller Verlag, Starnberg 1955.
  • The KE brake for express trains. In: The Railway Worker. 9, 1956. Volume 1: pp. 329-333, Volume 2: pp. 361-365.
  • The disc brake and its brake pads. In: Glaser's annals . 83, 1959.
  • About the possibilities for calculating the braking distances of railway trains. In: Glaser's annals. 85, 1961, pp. 3-16.
  • Plastic brake pads. Hestra, Darmstadt 1963.
  • The brake officer. Keller, Starnberg 1969. 2nd edition: 1970. 3rd edition: 1972.
  • Braking knowledge for drivers. 5th edition. Keller, Starnberg 1973.
  • Braking customer for technical vehicle service. Eisenbahn-Fachverlag, Heidelberg, Mainz 1978.

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