Friedrich Weygand

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Friedrich Weygand (born October 1, 1911 in Eichelsdorf , † September 18, 1969 in Munich ) was a German chemist and university professor.

life and work

Weygand studied at the University of Frankfurt from 1930 , completed his dissertation with Richard Johann Kuhn at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (KWI) for medical research in Heidelberg and received his doctorate in Frankfurt in 1936 . Then he was Kuhn's assistant in Heidelberg until 1943. In 1938/39 he was on a research stay in Oxford with Robert Robinson . At the time of National Socialism , he joined the SA in 1933 and the NSDAP in 1941 . In 1940 he completed his habilitation and became a private lecturer. From 1943 he was Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg . After the war he was interned in the USA for a year and a half, from 1946 assistant at the University of Heidelberg and from 1953 associate professor at the University of Tübingen . In 1955 he became a full professor at the Technical University of Berlin and in 1958 a full professor of organic chemistry at the Technical University of Munich .

At Kuhn, Weygand worked on flavin derivatives, the formation of osazones , N - glycosides and the Amadori rearrangement . After the war he turned to biochemistry and studied the purine and pyrimidine metabolism in bacteria using radioactive isotopes . He introduced fluoro- amino acids into peptide chemistry (Weygand test for racemization) and mass spectrometry into the sequence analysis of peptides. The p -methoxybenzyloxycarbonyl residue comes from him as a protective group in peptide synthesis. It is also known for the Weygand aldehyde - synthesis of aromatic aldehydes by reducing carboxylic acid N -methylanilid with lithium aluminum hydride. The Weygand-Löwenfeld breakdown (1950) of sugar oximes with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene is named after him and Rudolf Löwenfeld.

He took professional singing lessons. He was a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Leopoldina . In 1961 he received the Emil Fischer Medal .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ H. Simon, W. Steglich: Obituary Friedrich Weygand (with list of publications). In: Journal of Nature Research B . 25, 1970, pp. 126-133 ( online ).
  2. ^ Ernst Klee: Das Personenlexikon zum Third Reich , Frankfurt am Main 2007, p. 674.
  3. ^ Louis Fieser, Mary Fieser: Organische Chemie , Verlag Chemie Weinheim, 2nd edition, 1972, p. 1002, ISBN 3-527-25075-1 .
  4. Friedrich Weygand, Rudolf Löwenfeld: A new sugar mining. In: Chemical Reports. 83, 1950, p. 559, doi : 10.1002 / cber.19500830610 .