Friedrich Wilhelm Schultz

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Friedrich Wilhelm Schultz (born January 3, 1804 in Zweibrücken , † December 30, 1876 in Weißenburg , Alsace ) was a German botanist and pharmacist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " FWSchultz ".


After attending grammar school in Kusel, FW Schultz learned the profession of pharmacist, worked in his father's pharmacy in Zweibrücken , then again in Kusel and studied in Munich from 1827 . After completing his doctorate in Tübingen in 1829 and graduating in Munich in 1831, he bought a pharmacy in Bitsch (Lorraine) in 1832 . From 1853 on he lived in Weißenburg in Alsace. In 1853 he was elected a member of the Leopoldina .


From 1836 to 1855 he published together with Paul Constantin Billot (1796-1863) the Flora Galliae et Germaniae exsiccata , which was later continued as Archives de la Flore de France et d'Allemagne . Other of his works are the flora of the Palatinate (1846). In terms of content (the arrangement of families, genus and species characteristics), this is based on Wilhelm Daniel Joseph Koch (* 1771 in Kusel), who guided the young Schultz as a newcomer to botany. The flora of the Palatinate , especially in the case of the critical species, is enriched by numerous observations made by the author. Schultz gives the geographical distribution in the area, the location conditions and the geological subsurface with particular care and detail. In doing so, he relied on his Palatinate predecessors Hieronymus Bock , Johann Adam Pollich and Wilhelm Daniel Joseph Koch, who had already worked the area in the three centuries before him. His plant descriptions are considered precise and detailed, which is why they are of scientific value to this day. His descriptions of the locations are also important as they document the change in landscape over the past 160 years.

In his garden he often grew large numbers of critical species in order to be able to recognize hidden subspecies or even new species.

His younger brother Carl Heinrich Schultz , also a botanist and called Schultz Bipontinus for better differentiation , founded the Pollichia natural research association in Bad Dürkheim in 1840 . In the first 25 years of the founding of the association, both published numerous articles in the annual reports of this association (for example addenda to the “Flora of the Palatinate”).

Fonts (selection)

  • Flora of the Palatinate. Lang, Speyer 1846 ( digitized version ).
  • Additions & corrections to my flora of the Palatinate. Kranzbühler, Neustadt an der Haardt 1859 ( digitized ).


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