Friedrich von Ilberg

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Inauguration of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Dahlem . From right: v. Harnack , v. Ilberg, Wilhelm II., Neuberg , August von Trott zu Solz (1913)

Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Ilberg , from Ilberg since 1908 , (born August 10, 1858 in Crossen an der Oder ; † July 8, 1916 in Berlin ) was a Prussian general physician who served Kaiser Wilhelm II as personal physician .


Ilberg studied medicine at the Kaiser Wilhelms Academy for military medical education . On December 14, 1878 he became active in the Pépinière-Corps Suevo-Borussia . On November 26, 1907 he became a corps bow bearer of the Saxonia (KWA) .

In the Prussian Army he rose to the position of doctor general and corps of the guard corps . He was a regular member of the Scientific Senate of the Kaiser Wilhelms Academy. Ilberg served Kaiser Wilhelm II as the first personal physician and became one of his close confidants. Wilhelm II raised Ilberg to the hereditary Prussian nobility on January 27, 1908 in Berlin (coat of arms from 1908) .

Friedrich von Ilberg died in Berlin in 1916 at the age of almost 58 as a result of the First World War . He was buried in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Cemetery in Charlottenburg (today's Westend district of Berlin ). The grave has not been preserved.

He left his wife Margarete Emilia Johanne, née Liebau, from Magdeburg, whom he married in 1893.


  • German gender book. Vol. 39, Machholz, Ernst.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 68 , 150; 67 , 38.
  2. ^ Military weekly paper . No. 15, January 30, 1908, pp. 329-330.
  3. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende : Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 475.