Friedrich von Landsberg-Velen and Gemen the Younger

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Friedrich Graf von Landsberg-Velen and Gemen (* 29. October 1850 in Gemen , Kreis Borken , Münsterland ; † 11. April 1926 ibid) from the noble family of the Lords of Landsberg was Standesherr of Gemen and Prussian politician.


He was the son of Friedrich Graf von Landsberg-Velen and Gemen (1815–1898) and his first wife, Sophie Freiin von Imbsen (1817–1853). He married Countess Sophie von Westerholt and Gysenberg on November 11, 1884 in Bonn (born August 15, 1862 in Stein am Kocher ; † April 1, 1941 at Castle Gemen), the daughter of Count Oskar von Westerholt and Gysenberg (1815–1874) and his second wife Johanna Brenken (1835–1908).

Landsberg-Velen was a Westphalian registrar and entails owner . Politically, he was active as a member of the old parliamentary group from 1908 to 1918 as a member of the Prussian mansion and was also a member of the provincial parliament of the Prussian province of Westphalia.
