Friedrich von Phull

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Karl August Friedrich Freiherr von Phull ( Pfuel ) (born October 12, 1767 in Ludwigsburg , † April 11, 1840 in Stuttgart ) was a general and high-ranking military administrator of the Kingdom of Württemberg during the coalition and liberation wars .


Friedrich von Phull was handed over to the High Charles School for education by his father, who later became Feldzeugmeister and governor of Stuttgart, Friedrich August Heinrich Leberecht von Pfuhl (1735-1818) . There he studied from 1777 to 1784. After leaving the Charles School, Phull was appointed officer of the ducal guard. During the coalition wars he took part in the campaigns from 1790 to 1809 and rose to company commander in 1794, to commander of the "Kurprinz" battalion in 1803 , and to regimental commander in 1806. In 1807 he took part as a leader in the avant-garde in the storming of Glatz. Because of his bravery, he was subsequently promoted to major general and chief of the grenadier regiment "Queen Olga" , and in 1808 to lieutenant general. After his return in 1809 he was commissioned to ensure peace and order in the New Württemberg areas of the Duchy of Hohenlohe and the Principality of Mergentheim. There were popular riots with hostile pronouncements against the new authorities. Phull was supposed to identify and arrest the suspicious, sometimes high-ranking leaders of the riot. As governor general and commander of the troops there as well as superior of the civil authorities, he carried out his office on behalf of King Friedrich with unlimited powers. So he made possible the harsh criminal court, which the police minister Ludwig Graf von Taube carried out. After Phull had subsequently administered the General Directorate of the Army for a while, he was entrusted with the management of the War Ministry on June 29, 1811 . After the debacle of the Russian campaign, the focus of his work was the necessary restoration and equipment of the Württemberg Army Corps . In 1813 he was appointed Feldzeugmeister and in 1816 a real general of the infantry. Also in 1816 the new King Wilhelm temporarily assigned him the government of the city of Stuttgart and the command of the guards. The king released Phull on November 8, 1816 from the management of the War Ministry and in December 1816 sent him as an extraordinary envoy to Berlin and Hanover . Here he worked until 1820, before he resigned completely from public life.



Individual evidence

  1. Royal Württemberg Court and State Handbook 1815, page 17
  2. ^ Royal Württemberg Court and State Manual 1824, page 29