Fritz Heise

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Fritz Hermann Heise (born March 10, 1866 in Helmsgrün , Kolmar , † October 25, 1950 in Berlin ) was a German mining engineer, university professor and mining official.

Training and first employment

After graduating from high school, Heise studied mining at the Bergakademie Berlin and passed the legal clerkship on August 5, 1889 and the assessor exam on December 15, 1893 . During his studies he became a member of the Association of German Students in Berlin . He then worked as a mining assessor in the Halle Upper Mining District. In 1896 he was appointed head of the mining union test route in Gelsenkirchen-Schalke, which served mine safety and was part of the Westphalian mining union fund .

Further work

In 1899 Fritz Heise became a temporary teacher and deputy director of the Bochum mining school , before he was sent to the Gerhard Berginspektion in the Saarbrücken mining department as a mining inspector a year later . Another year later he was appointed Imperial Mining Master and Director of the Diedenhofen Mountain School, before he was appointed full professor of mining studies at the Bergakademie Berlin in 1902.

Finally, in 1904, he was appointed director of the Bergschule Bochum and managing director of the Westfälische Berggewerkschaftskasse. In the more than two and a half decades of his work there, he played a significant role in the development of the mining vocational schools and the institutes of the Westphalian Mining Union Fund and was also a co-founder of the Mining Museum in Bochum . In 1931 Fritz Heise retired and settled in Berlin-Nikolassee . His successor in Bochum was Friedrich Herbst .

With this he had already written a mining textbook that first appeared in 1908 and was a standard work in coal mining for decades. It was published in 10 editions by Springer Verlag Berlin from 1910 to 1962. From the first edition of the first volume in 1938, Carl Hellmut Fritzsche joined the group, who continued the work alone after the deaths of Herbst (1937) and Heises. After Fritzsche's death in 1968, a completely revised 11th edition by Ernst-Ulrich Reuther was published by Glückauf in Essen in 1989 . The current 12th edition was published in 2010 by VGE-Verlag .


Fritz Heise died in Berlin in 1950 at the age of 84 and was buried in the Nikolassee Evangelical Churchyard . The grave is preserved.


Fonts (selection)

  • with Friedrich Herbst: Textbook of mining studies m. special consideration of hard coal mining , 8th and 9th completely revised edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin / Göttingen / Heidelberg 1958.
  • with Friedrich Herbst: Kurzer Leitfaden der Bergbaukunde , 2nd improved edition, Julius Springer publishing house, Berlin 1921.
  • with Heinrich Winkelmann: The historical mining museum Bochum , Bochum 1931.


  • Walter Serlo: The Prussian Bergassessors . 4th edition. Essen 1933, p. 137.

Individual evidence

  1. Louis Lange (Ed.): Kyffhäuser Association of German Student Associations. Address book 1931. Berlin 1931, p. 85.
  2. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 625.

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