GV Zähringia

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GV Zähringia
Canton : Freiburg
School : High schools in the city of Freiburg: Collegium St. Michael , Kollegium Heilig Kreuz , Kollegium Gambach, FMS Freiburg (formerly KDMS)
Founding: February 16, 1843
Association: Schw. StV
Abbreviation: ZÄ!
Motto: Stuck in faithfulness!
Circle: Circle of the student union GV Zähringia to Freiburg im Üechtland
Colours: Boys: Crimson-White-Green
Foxes: Crimson-White
Cap: stiff flat cap
Friendship connection: KÖSTV Vindobona II in Vienna
Sponsorship links: AKV Burgundia , AKV Alemannia , SG Aster
Daughter connection: SG Nuithonia
Website: www.zähringia.ch
Aktivitas: Boys: 2 Fuxen: 4

Today's Zähringia high school connection was founded on February 16, 1843 under the name of the Swiss Student Association, German Section Freiburg i.Ue. , founded as the oldest section of the Swiss Student Association (Schw.-StV) . The active members belong to the municipal secondary schools in the city of Freiburg im Üechtland .


Group photo of the GV Zähringia

The Zähringia currently has its restaurant at the Franciscan monastery in Freiburg, where the larger events are held. The regular tribe, on the other hand, takes place in the Corsaire restaurant in Freiburg's Lausannegasse.


On February 16, 1843, the Swiss Student Association, German Section Freiburg i.Ue. as the first section of the Schw.-StV and as a successor to the "Freiburg Association" . On January 12, 1845, French-speaking members resigned and the French section of Freiburg , later SG Nuithonia, was founded. On December 12, 1886, the student association was renamed GV Zähringia . In 1976, connecting life was made accessible to women as well.

Sponsorship and friendship connections

The AKV Burgundia Bern acted as the first sponsor association during the 3rd flag consecration. The second was the AKV Alemannia as part of the consecration of the 4th club flag.

When there was a quantitative spin-off within the subsidiary SG Nuithonia in the autumn of 1967, the Zähringia acted as the sponsorship section of the newly founded SG Aster.

Known members

Web links

Commons : GV Zähringia  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Odilo Bürgy resigns . In: Basler Zeitung . Retrieved May 12, 2011.