Gabriele Wittek

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Gabriele Wittek, née Maden (born October 7, 1933 in Wertingen , Bavaria ) is the founder and director of the Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi (HHW), which has been operating under the name Universelles Leben (UL) since 1984 . She is referred to as the prophetess and “trumpet of God” by Universal Life and its followers .

Live and act

Childhood, adolescence and marriage

Wittek was born on October 7, 1933 as the daughter of master tailor Matthias Maden (1908–1976) and his wife Mathilde Maden (1908–1970, née Bunk ) in Wertingen . After compulsory school, she completed an apprenticeship as an office clerk and worked in this position after her journeyman's examination in Munich . On July 16, 1955, she married the engineer Rudolf Wittek in Tegernsee . She lived with him in Munich, where she had her daughter Michaela in 1964 and then gave up her job. In 1967 she moved to Würzburg with her daughter when her husband was offered a job there. Rudolf Wittek followed a year later.

As a medium and prophet

Gabriele Wittek reports minor spiritual experiences from childhood. According to Wittek, when she visited her father on the first anniversary of her mother's death (November 12, 1971), she saw her standing in the room and smiling at her. Her relatives declared this to be their imagination, but the experience never let them go. Around 1972 she was in contact with a prayer group for an unspecified media woman . After three months, Wittek saw herself addressed by the "Spirit of Christ" for the first time through this woman. Later contact with her deceased mother is said to have come about.

She is said to have received messages for the first time on January 6, 1975: Suddenly I saw a beautiful figure standing on my left side, a being in a bright white dress. My first thought was: You are certainly my Guardian Angel and I want to thank you for the protection you give us [...] and as I said this, words came to my mind. They read as follows: “Don't thank me, but thank God our Lord, because He is our guide and our pioneer. We are only His servants. "

The sender of these announcements introduced himself as “Spirit Teacher Brother Emanuel”, “ Cherub of Divine Wisdom”, from whom she claims to have received years of spiritual guidance and training. After the fourth or fifth day, she is said to have received messages from Jesus Christ for the first time . As a result, angels , God the Father, the protective spirit Hierlya (or "Herlya") or, in 1980, the brother Mairadi, a "brother from space " and inhabitant of the planet "Maiami-Chulli".

When Wittek received her first messages in early 1975, a group of interested parties formed in Wittek's house in Würzburg, to whom she conveyed these messages. Another group followed in Nuremberg in 1977 and the community used the name Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi (HHW) in internal papers , and from 1979 the HHW went public with brochures. On January 19, 1980, the Association for the Promotion of the Homecoming Work of Jesus Christ, “the Inner Spirit = Christ Church e. V. “, founded and registered in Nuremberg. On April 26, 1980, the HHW was actually founded in Stuttgart under the name Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi. The Inner Spirit = Christ Church e. V. Both Wittek and her husband were founding members. Thanks to Wittek's lectures and advertising activities, the HHW expanded and numerous communities emerged in the German-speaking countries. In 1984 the HHW was renamed Universelles Leben (UL).

Gabriele Wittek claims that she does not receive messages, visions and feelings of light like a spiritualistic medium in full or partial trance , but with full awareness. Before 1975, Wittek was not aware of any literary activity, since then, up to 2006, more than 50 works were published, which she is said to have recorded as “God's prophet and ambassador”. In addition, she wrote numerous articles and published regularly in the UL booklet The Prophet.

Publications (selection)

  • The radiation fields. The Origin of the Fall Worlds and the Future of Humanity: A Revelation and a Prophecy That the World Doesn't Know. Given to the prophetess of the Lord through the Inner Word in autumn 1981. Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi, Würzburg 1982.
  • The Christian Mystery School. The high school of the spirit. [...] Given to the prophetess of the Lord (GW) through the Inner Word, in 1981. Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi, Würzburg 1982.
  • Faith healing - the wholeness healing. Das Wort, Marktheidenfeld 1999, ISBN 978-3-89201-264-1 .
  • Learn to pray, in true prayer you experience God, true prayer makes you happy. Das Wort, Marktheidenfeld 2013, ISBN 978-3-89201-359-4 .

It is difficult to keep track of the number of publications by Gabriele Wittek under her name and numerous pseudonyms; there are also other works by her followers (as an example: the database of the German National Library lists more than 600 titles in 2017; under her real name there are over 90 titles ).


  • Wolfgang Behnk: Farewell to “Early Christianity”, Gabriele Wittek's “Universal Life” between paranoia and institutionalization (= Munich texts and analyzes of the religious situation ). Evangelical Press Association for Bavaria, Munich 1994; ISBN 3-583-50210-8 .
  • Hans Enz: The Prophetess. How Gabriele Wittek lures you into her home recovery facility. Luck, Berlin 1986; ISBN 3-926020-00-8 .
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack : The homecoming work of Gabriele Wittek and the new revelation movements. Evangelical Press Association for Bavaria, Munich 1985; ISBN 3-583-50641-3 .
  • Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack: Gabriele Wittek's "Universal Life". Evangelical Press Association for Bavaria, Munich 1992; ISBN 3-583-50643-X .
  • Michael Hitziger: Doomsday near Würzburg. Verlag Hans Schiler , Berlin 2008; ISBN 978-3-89930-227-1 .
  • Hans-Walter Junge: Universal Life, The Prophetess and Her Management. Pattloch, Augsburg 1996, ISBN 3-629-00675-2 .
  • Wolfram Mirbach: Universal Life: Originality and Christianity of a New Religion (= Erlanger Monographs from Mission and Ecumenism, Volume 19). Verlag der Evangelisch-Lutheranischen Mission, Erlangen 1994, ISBN 3-87214-319-0 (Dissertation University Erlangen Nürnberg 1992/1993, VIII, 328 pages).
  • Gabriele Riffert: End or turn: current departure movements in the new time in view of the Christian understanding of time 1994, DNB 942807189 (Dissertation University of Munich 1994, VII, 313 pages).
  • The persecution of the prophetess of God and the followers of Jesus of Nazareth - The story of the cruelty of church and state , compiled by Matthias Holzbauer, Gabriele-Verlag Das Wort, Marktheidenfeld 2017, ISBN 978-3-89201-950-3 , 648 pages

Web links

Some essays and works online

Individual evidence

  1. Tilman Toepfer: Is Universal Life Dying? Main-Post, March 26, 2017.
  2. The past of “universal life” also includes a contact from the area of ​​UFO spiritualism, namely to Mairadi. See also a collage of quotations from a brochure of the “Heimholungswerk Jesu Christi” ( memento of the original from February 21, 2007 in the Internet Archive ). Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /