Gaetano Callido

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Gaetano Antonio Callido (* 1727 in Este , † 1813 in Venice ) was an Italian organ builder.


Gaetano Callido began his apprenticeship with Pietro Nacchini in 1742 . When he made the decision in 1762 to end his employment relationship in order to pursue his own independent career, the two remained close friends. Callido enjoyed the respect of his master Nacchini as much as that of his contemporaries.

As early as 1763 he was able to build six organs (one of them with two manuals), and in the course of a few years he expanded his range not only to the areas under the rule of Venice, but also to the Marches, Romagna and on Constantinople .

In 1766 he was entrusted with the representative work for the complete rebuilding of the three organs of the Basilica of San Marco in Venice. His tireless activity with a creative rhythm of an average of ten organs a year, as well as the merits and advantages that he and Venice accrued from his work, were recognized by the Senate , which, with a resolution of March 27, 1779 , granted him on transport taxes and tariffs for the transport of his Instruments released outside the republic territory. The political events and socio-economic changes at the end of the 18th century, especially the suppression of religious bodies ordered by the Napoleonic government by decree, did not seem to have any particular effect on his work, which continued to maintain its rhythm until 1806, than the leadership manufacturing passed to his sons.

The list of the organs built by Callidos contains the schematic directory: it consists of three building boards, on which the church places in which the organs are installed are marked in Indian ink; they are described in chronological order and in progressive numbering. The list ends with the number 430 in 1806. The free space remains empty until 1812.

Works (selection)

year opus place building image Manuals register Remarks
1764 12 Venice San Zulian Chiesa di San Zulian - Organo.jpg
1777 Cortina d'Ampezzo Basilica dei SS. Filippo e Giacomo 18th
1787 241 Treviso San Leonardo I. 16 Restored in 1996 by Francesco Zanin
1790 267 Venice San Zanipolo Orgue de San zanipolo.JPG I. 16 Restored in 1912 by Beniamino Zanin
1801 Canale d'Agordo Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista, organo Callido (Canale d'Agordo) .jpg
San Pietro al Natisone San Pietro SPAN organ by Callido 01.jpg I.
Canal San Bovo Chiesa Parrocchiale di San Bartolomeo
End of 18th century Oprtalj / Portole Crkva Sv. Jurja / Duomo di San Giorgio


  • Douglas E. Bush: Callido . In: Douglas E. Bush, Richard Kassel (Eds.): The Organ. To Encyclopedia . Routledge, New York / London 2006, ISBN 0-415-94174-1 , pp. 86 .
  • Tomislav F. Heferer: The organs by Gaetano Callido (1727-1813) . In: ISO Journal . No. 14 , 2002, p. 64-78 .
  • Renato Lunelli, Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini : Documenti d'archivio: Lettere di Gaetano Callido a Padre Martini . In: L'Organo . tape 4 , 1963, pp. 168-176 .
  • Francesco Ruffatti: Gaetano Callido (1727-1813). Organ builder in Venice . In: The Diapason . tape 89 , no. 12 , 1998, pp. 14-18 .
  • Sara Sbordone: Contributo per un regesto degli organi di Gaetano Callido sulla base del catalogo redatto dall'autore . In: Rassegna Veneta di Studi Musicali . tape 12-12 (1995-1996) , 1996, pp. 269-346 .
  • Antonio Trevissoi: Gaetano Callido e l'arte degli organi a Venezia . Venice 1884, p. 49-66 .

Web links

Commons : Category: Gaetano Callido  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files