Passage graves from Resmo

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Passage grave near Mysinge

The passage graves of Resmo (wrongly also called dolmen ) on Öland , east of Mörbylånga , are four completely isolated passage graves and the only occurrence of large stone graves on the Swedish island and the most easterly in Scandinavia . The passage graves were built between 3500 and 2800 BC. BC as megalithic systems of the funnel beaker culture (TBK). The passage grave is a form of Neolithic megalithic systems, which consists of a chamber and a structurally separated, lateral passage. This form is primarily found in Denmark, Germany and Scandinavia, as well as occasionally in France and the Netherlands. Neolithic monuments are an expression of the culture and ideology of Neolithic societies. Their origin and function are considered to be the hallmarks of social development.

Passage grave near Mysinge


The oval chambers examined by TJ Arne in 1908 show a relationship with the Skåne megalithic graves of Hagestad Carlshögen (Hagestad No. 14) and Ramshög (Hagestad No. 8). A vertical stone slab in the intermediate masonry occurs similarly in the Carlshögen system, but also in some of the island Danish and Rügen systems. Two of the plants are largely destroyed. The other two are at least partially preserved. There is a Treudd nearby .

Dolmen Resmo 32: 1
The Treudd of Resmo

Resmo 84: 1

Coordinates: 56 ° 31 '20.08 "N, 16 ° 26' 24.84" E

The passage grave is west of road 136 in Mysinge . The surrounding stones cannot be precisely assigned. The northern large stones are probably former bearing stones. A former capstone lies a little to one side. The other is still halfway in the chamber.

Resmo 32: 1

Coordinates: 56 ° 32 ′ 34.35 "N, 16 ° 26 ′ 38.91" E

The passage grave is located west of road 136 at the exit of Resmo to the north, about 170 m north of the church of Resmo . Since an end stone is missing, the size of the chamber cannot be determined. Six bearing stones are still preserved from the dolmen, while all cap stones are missing.

See also


  • Märta Strömberg : The megalithic tombs of Hagestad. On the problem of grave structures and grave rites . Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Volume 8. Bonn and Lund 1971.

Individual evidence

  1. J. Müller In: Varia neolithica VI 2009 p. 15

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