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City of Helmbrechts
Coordinates: 50 ° 13 ′ 7 ″  N , 11 ° 44 ′ 35 ″  E
Postal code : 95233
Area code : 09252
Geigersmühle restaurant
Geigersmühle restaurant

Geigersmühle is a district of the town of Helmbrechts in the Upper Franconian district of Hof .

The hamlet of Geigersmühle is located on State Road St 2194 between Münchberg and Helmbrechts . In the immediate vicinity there are branches to Ottengrün and Meierhof . In addition to the Geigersmühle restaurant, there are some agricultural buildings and a modern Raumedic company. The Geigersmühle, named after the owner Fritz Geyger, was built on the remains of the settlement of the former village of Keferngrün . The listed grinding and cutting mill on the Selbitz was demolished in 2011. The last owner was Adolf Lang, who stopped the mill in 1987 and lived there until 1999. Southwest of Geigersmühle, already in the Münchberg area, there is a geotope with washing hills of a former gold washing area. According to the community edict of 1818 Geigersmühle was part of the rural community Wüstenselbitz . In 1856 Geigersmühle consisted of the mill and three farmhouses, in which nine families lived. There were 30 residents.


  • Annett Haberlah-Pohl: Münchberg - Historical Atlas of Bavaria - Part Franconia, Series 1, Issue 39. Munich 2011.
  • Karl Christian Müller: The mills around Helmbrechts . In: Frankenwald - Journal of the Frankenwaldverein e. V. , issue 3/1963. P. 52 f.
  • Adrian Roßner: The Geigersmühle is no longer there , article in the Frankenpost from December 20, 2011 ( online )

Web links

Commons : Geigersmühle  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Article in the Frankenpost from January 5, 2012
  2. Geotope description at LfU ( PDF )