Geissorhiza inconspicua

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Geissorhiza inconspicua
Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Iris family (Iridaceae)
Genre : Geissorhiza
Type : Geissorhiza inconspicua
Scientific name
Geissorhiza inconspicua

Geissorhiza inconspicua is a plant from the family of the Iridaceae (Iridaceae).


They are 10 to 18 (rarely 30) centimeters high, perennial, herbaceous plants . The tuber is round, asymmetrically flattened, has a diameter of 5 to 8 millimeters and is completely concentric in several layers. It is brown, its outer layers occasionally become papery and soft and crumble into pieces.

The lower leaf is membranous, pale and may be missing. The three to five mostly upright leaves are 2.5 to 6 millimeters wide, sword-shaped to linear and one to two thirds as long as the stem . The lowest two to three leaves are down to earth, the upper ones are smaller and attach to the stem, the uppermost resemble bracts .

The stem is upright, usually branched two to five times. The inflorescence is a three- to seven-flowered spike , the bracts are 6 to 8 millimeters long, are membranous on the upper part and usually reddish on the edge. The sixfold flowers are star-shaped, blue to purple or white to off-white, then pink on the back of the bloom of the outer petal circle. The flower tube is 4 to 5 (rarely 6) millimeters long, cylindrical and extends almost to the tip of the bracts, the bracts are 8 to 11 (rarely 15) millimeters long, 5 to 6 millimeters wide and, conversely, ovoid. The stamens are 4 to 6 (rarely 8) millimeters long, the anthers 3 to 4 millimeters long, the pollen yellow. The ovary is 2 to 3 millimeters long, the stylus is divided at the level of the top of the dust bag, the individual branches are 2 millimeters long and bent back.

The capsule is inverted egg-shaped and reaches a length of 5 to 7 millimeters. The number of chromosomes is 2n = 26.

Flowering time is October to November, depending on the location also from September to February.


Geissorhiza inconspicua is found in South Africa from the Langeberg near Swellendam to Port Elizabeth , often in a mountainous location.


Geissorhiza inconspicua belongs to the section Weihea in the subgenus Weihea .


  • Peter Goldblatt: Systematics of the Southern African Genus Geissorhiza (Iridaceae-Ixioideae). In: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. Vol. 72, No. 2, 1985, pp. 277-447