Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia

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The Spiritual Assembly of Muslims in Russia ( Russian Duchownoje sobranije mussulman Rossii / Духовное собрание мусульман России ; scientific Duchovnoe sobranie musul'man Rossii; abbreviation ДСМ РФ / DSM . Assembly is a new Muslim assembly of Russia / DSM Association of Muftiats in the Russian Federation . Mufti Albir Krganow chairs the meeting .

Albir Krganov, Mufti of the Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia (DUM RF)

On November 30, 2016, the first meeting of the new central Muslim organization, which unites over ten regional clerical administrations , took place in the President Hotel in central Moscow . According to Krganov (in an interview with RIA Novosti on December 1, 2016), these include the Muftiate of Omsk , Muftiate Siberia, Kemerovo , the Khanty and Mansi Autonomous Okrug , Chuvashia and some from the Volga region .

Albir Krganow estimates the number of parishes under the new umbrella organization at around three hundred. According to Krganov, there is agreement that the clerical administration of the Muslims of Dagestan under the umbrella organization of the Coordination Center of the Muslims of the North Caucasus will not leave it, but will be a partner organization of the new Muftiate. The participants elected Mufti Albir Krganov - Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Moscow and the Central Region ("Moscow Muftiate") and Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Chuvash Republic - as their chairman.

According to Krganov, the legal hurdles have already been cleared. He called for cooperation with the existing central Muslim religious organizations and described the new organization as "open to all" and as a "discussion platform" for Russian Muslims.

The term Spiritual Assembly of Muslims in Russia recalls the first spiritual assembly of Muslims in Russia, the pre-revolutionary Orenburg Mohammedan Spiritual Assembly , the successor of which the organization is considering.

At the first meeting, delegations from Syria , Morocco , Uzbekistan and other countries were presented.

See also

References and footnotes

  1. These Muslim umbrella organizations in the Russian Federation also include:
  2. a b c d Антон Скрипунов: Глава нового муфтията РФ: мы хотим стать мостиком для объединения ман .уль ("The head of the new muftiate of the Russian Federation: We want to become a bridge for the Muslims") Interview Krganow with Anton Skripunow, RIA Novosti , December 1, 2016 - accessed on December 12, 2016
  3. Духовное собрание мусульман России: в РФ появился новый федеральный муфтият. (The Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia: A new federal muftiate has emerged in the Russian Federation.) , RIA Novosti , November 30, 2016 - accessed December 12, 2016

Web links

Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia (alternative names of the lemma)
Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia; Духовное собрание мусульман России; DSM RF; ДСМ РФ; Spiritual Assembly of Muslims of Russia; Muslim Spiritual Administration of the Russian Federation; Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of the Russian Federation