Local government association Feldatal-Grebenau-Romrod-Schwalmtal

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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the Feldatal-Grebenau-Romrod-Schwalmtal municipal administration association
Local government association Feldatal-Grebenau-Romrod-Schwalmtal
Map of Germany, position of the municipal administration association Feldatal-Grebenau-Romrod-Schwalmtal highlighted

Coordinates: 50 ° 39 '  N , 9 ° 10'  E

Basic data
Existing period: 2015–
State : Hesse
Administrative region : to water
County : VogelsbergkreisTemplate: Infobox municipality in Germany / maintenance / district does not exist
Area : 219.86 km 2
Residents: 10,357Template: Infobox administrative unit in Germany / maintenance / not yet converted to meta template
Population density : 47 inhabitants per km 2
Association structure: 4 municipalities
Association administration address
Schulstr. 2
36325 Feldatal
Template: Infobox community association in Germany / maintenance / coat of arms

The municipal administration association (GVV) Feldatal-Grebenau-Romrod-Schwalmtal is a municipal administration association in Central Hesse . It consists of the cities and communities Feldatal , Grebenau , Romrod and Schwalmtal .


The municipal administration association was founded on December 22nd, 2015 by four municipalities in the Vogelsberg district . The association includes around 10,000 residents and 28 districts. It is the first in Hesse that was formed by four municipalities and at the same time combines all administrative tasks of the member municipalities and is promoted as inter-municipal cooperation .

Member municipalities

local community Feldatal Grebenau Romrod Schwalmtal
Population (December 31, 2018) 2405 2381 2627 2789
Area (km²) 55.69 55.37 54.42 54.38
Population density (inh / km²) 44 43 48 50
prefix 0 66 37 0 66 46 0 66 36 0 66 38 and 0 66 30
Postcode 36325 36323 36329 36318
address Schulstrasse 2 Amthof 2 Jahnstrasse 2 Alsfelder Strasse 72
mayor Leopold Bach
(independent of party)
Lars Wicke
( Free Voters )
Dr. Birgit Richtberg
Timo Georg
Internet presence Feldatal Grebenau Romrod Schwalmtal


The member municipalities entrust the municipal administration association with the administrative handling of the day-to-day administration that is incumbent on them. The association members agree that the transfer of tasks only extends to the execution of tasks and that a shift of responsibility in the sense of a task delegation is not associated with it. The municipal administration association is the right instrument to strengthen the small rural municipalities of Feldatal, Grebenau, Romrod and Schwalmtal and to secure their independence in the long term. The administrative association should offer qualified services at reasonable costs, especially when the requirements increase. The most important quality criterion for a small community must continue to be closeness to the citizen.

Merging individual administrative tasks through several public-law agreements is not expedient. In small municipalities, it is not possible to gradually merge individual administrative departments. The employees are generalists who cover several specialist areas with a diverse range of tasks. Therefore, all administrative tasks have to be considered together in order to form functional departments with a high degree of specialization. This creates synergies. In addition, the competencies and responsibilities of all those involved must be clearly regulated. This is possible with the legally defined bodies of a municipal administration association. The municipal administration association serves as an adequate legal and organizational framework. It is a special form of the Zweckverband and is based on well-known and well-established institutional regulations.

The municipal administration association is regulated by law in the law on municipal community work (KGG). The association is managed by its board of directors. This consists of the mayors of the association's municipalities. The tasks of the association board are comparable to the tasks of the community board in the individual community. The association assembly as a further organ consists exclusively of community representatives from the member communities. The tasks of the association assembly with regard to the municipal administration association are comparable to the tasks of the municipality representation in the individual municipality.

The municipalities involved must transfer the individual tasks to the association. The tasks to be performed are laid down in the association's statutes. The municipal councils determine the scope of the tasks that are assigned to the association. The association performs the tasks with its employees or uses the employees of the municipalities to perform its tasks. The member municipalities pay a contribution to the association, which is determined on the basis of the number of inhabitants, unless otherwise regulated. All community committees remain with all their tasks in accordance with the Hessian municipal code. In particular, the budget right remains with the respective municipal parliament. The municipality's own legal personality is retained, which is a clear difference to the merger. The association serves exclusively as an instrument for the implementation of municipal resolutions.

Opportunities and goals

  • Employees with competence and willingness to change
  • Increased effectiveness through specialization
  • Lower costs for external service providers
  • Better or first-time substitution arrangements (vacation, illness, death ...) bring lasting quality to the fulfillment of tasks
  • Experience is passed on
  • Better education and training

Association meeting

The association assembly consists of 20 representatives from the member municipalities, who are represented by deputies if they are unable to attend. Each association member sends 5 representatives. Each representative of an association member has 1 vote in the association assembly. The representatives and deputies of an association member are elected by the representative bodies of the association members from among their number for the duration of their election period. With the loss of the right to vote or membership in the representative body, membership in the association assembly ends.

Duties of the association assembly

  1. The election of the chairman and the deputy chairman of the association assembly
  2. The changes and additions to the association's statutes (in particular the admission and resignation of members) as well as the change in the association's tasks
  3. The enactment, amendment, amendment and repeal of these statutes and other legal norms that affect the municipal administration association
  4. The definition of the principles according to which the tasks of the municipal administration association are to be performed
  5. The adoption of the budget charter , its supplements and the establishment of the association's investment program
  6. The determination of the association levy
  7. The budgetary and property law decisions of the association according to the Hessian municipal code (HGO)
  8. Monitoring the execution of the resolutions
  9. The dissolution of the association

Association Board

The association board of the municipal administration association consists of the mayors from the member municipalities. If they are unable to attend, they are represented by their representatives in office. The chairmanship changes annually between the member municipalities. The order is determined by the board. The future chairman exercises the role of deputy chairman in the year before he takes over the chairmanship. Each member of the association has one vote and the board members are volunteers.

Duties of the association board

1. The association board decides on the current administrative matters of the municipal administration association, unless they are assigned to the association assembly according to the KGG or the statutes. In particular, he is responsible for the following matters:

  • a. Preparation of the draft budget charter, its amendments and the draft investment program
  • b. Preparation of the annual financial statements and submission to the association assembly after the audit by the auditing office
  • c. Recruitment, promotion and dismissal of the employees / trainees of the municipal administration association in accordance with the current position plan as well as the issue of service regulations
  • d. Preparation of the amendment, addition and repeal of these statutes and other legal norms of the association
  • e. Preparation of the activity report for the past financial year with announcement in the association assembly

2. Without prejudice to the statutes of the association assembly, the executive committee can, by resolution, be entrusted with the execution of further tasks either permanently or in individual cases.

3. The board prepares the resolutions of the association assembly and implements them

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Oberhessen-live: 600,000 euros for the Association of Municipalities. In: Oberhessen-Live. April 27, 2016, accessed on February 15, 2019 (German).
  2. Mayor Leopold Bach. In: feldatal.de. Feldatal municipality, accessed on February 15, 2019 .
  3. Mayor Lars Wicke. In: grebenau.de. City of Grebenau, accessed on February 15, 2019 .
  4. Mayor Dr. Birgit Richtberg. In: romrod.de. City of Romrod, accessed February 15, 2019 .
  5. Mayor Timo Georg. In: schwalmtal-hessen.de. Schwalmtal municipality, accessed on February 15, 2019 .