Community bread of life

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The Community bread of life ( s. : Bread of Life Community , Fri : Communauté du Pain de Vie ) is an association of the faithful in the Roman Catholic Church . It was founded in France in 1976 and was recognized in 1984 as a community of believers under episcopal law. It is represented in 25 countries worldwide and has a few hundred members.


With the union of some converted married couples who lived in Évreux (France), the religious movement began to build up its existence. As a theme they chose from the Gospel of Luke the verse "The spirit of the Lord is upon me; for the Lord has anointed me. He sent me to bring good news to the poor ”( Lk 4.18  EU ). After the first experiences gathered, the community quickly spread across several French dioceses . In 1984 the community in the diocese of Bayeux was recognized by Bishop Jean Badré canonically as an association of believers in diocesan law “ad experimentum” (trial) for 6 years. Bishop Pierre Pican SDB granted final diocesan recognition in 1990. In the years 2001–2004 internal grievances and different views on the management structure led to disagreements. The individual local communities strive for autonomous regulation and advocate a democratically oriented structure.


The spiritual origin lay in the charismatic movement of the 1960s, the community is based on the calling of people to gather around the Eucharistic Jesus. The essential feature is the proclamation about the " coming of the kingdom ", the community sees itself as a preparer and wants to live with the poorest in poverty and need . The members live in “families” or are in “the middle of the world”.

Organization and expansion

The basic elements are the individual local groups, from which provinces are formed , which are divided into regions . The overall management is carried out by a general council , which consists of nine people and the main responsible couple.

The membership is made up of consecrated men and women and comrades . The consecrated take a vow according to the evangelical councils , the comrades make a promise . All future members must complete a training course, only then can they make a final decision. Another membership includes the “member of a family”, that is men and women who divide the life of the community according to their domestic and professional possibilities.

The community looks after schools, children's homes and emergency shelters , it arranges training places and organizes summer camps for young people in Africa , South America and Eastern Europe . It is represented in 25 countries around the world, spread across Africa (10), Asia (1), Europe (8), Middle East (1), North America (2), South America (2) and Oceania (1). In Germany , the association looks after an emergency shelter in Berlin. Due to the partially autonomous structures, it is not possible to quantify a definite number of members; this is given as a few hundred members.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bread of Life in Berlin: Canon Law Situation Archive Link ( Memento from November 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Emergency accommodation project in St. Marien Liebfrauen Berlin-Kreuzberg [1]