Gemersdorf (municipality of Böheimkirchen)

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Gemersdorf ( village )
cadastral community Gemersdorf
Gemersdorf (Municipality of Böheimkirchen) (Austria)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Pole. District , state St. Pölten-Land  (PL), Lower Austria
Judicial district St. Polten
Pole. local community Boheimkirchen
Coordinates 48 ° 11 '15 "  N , 15 ° 45' 8"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 11 '15 "  N , 15 ° 45' 8"  Ef1
height 250  m above sea level A.
Residents of the village 99 (January 1, 2020)
Area  d. KG 1.17 km²
Statistical identification
Locality code 05398
Cadastral parish number 19452
Counting district / district Böheimkirchen area (31903 001)
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; NÖGIS


Gemersdorf is a village and cadastral community in the market town of Böheimkirchen , Lower Austria.

The village of Gemersdorf is located one kilometer south of Böheimkirchen, just north of the West Autobahn and is via the L5093 state road. On January 1st, 2020 the village had 99 inhabitants. In the Franziszeischen cadastre of 1824 Gemersdorf is listed as a cluster village with some large properties.


  • Directory of places 2001 Lower Austria , Statistics Austria, Vienna 2005, PDF , mentioned on page 277

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Franziszeischer Cadastre (around 1820): Gemersdorf ( online at ).