Georg Bujack

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Georg Bujack

Georg Bujack (born June 12, 1835 in Königsberg i. Pr. , † March 18, 1891 ibid) was a German prehistoric scientist .

Life and meaning

Bujack's father was Johann Gottlieb Bujack (1787-1840), a high school professor at the Collegium Fridericianum . Georg Bujack passed his Abitur there on September 29, 1855. From the following winter semester he studied philology at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In 1859 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD .

From the scientific examination committee to Königsberg i. Pr. In 1860 he was qualified to teach history and geography for all classes. He passed the probationary year in 1860/61 at the Kneiphöfischen Gymnasium . From Easter 1861 he was a teacher at the old town high school . In 1877 he was appointed senior teacher .

The East Prussian Prehistory prescribed, he became curator in 1869 and 1872 Chairman of the ancient society Prussia , who took a strong upturn under him. Bujack was particularly devoted to excavations . Appointed high school professor, he wrote a "very careful" catalog of the Prussia collection and, until his death, the reports of the Prussia Museum meetings . For a long time he was secretary of the Royal German Society . The provincial estates entrusted him with the business of a provincial archivist.

Georg Bujack died at the age of 56.


  • The Rheden ruins. Sketch from the history of the German order. In: New Prussian Provincial Papers. Episode 3, Vol. 11, 1866, pp. 200-213 .
  • The German Order's Littauian war journeys in the 14th century. According to the chronicle of a contemporary. In: Journal for Prussian History and Regional Studies. Vol. 4, 1867, pp. 655-681 .
  • The mercenary system of the Teutonic Order in Prussia until 1466. In: Journal for Prussian History and Regional Studies. Vol. 6, 1869, pp. 717-736 .
  • The first triennium of the Comité of the East Prussian and Lithuanian Estates . 4th 1887.
  • Grave field in the Drusker Forest, Wehlau district . 1888.
  • A giant fibula, Weszaiten, Heydekrug district . 1888.
  • The Commissorium of the State Deputies of the Province of Prussia and Lithuania in Berlin in 1811 . 1889.
  • The grave field near Rogehnen, Fischhausen district . 1889.
  • Scharnhorst's life before the battle of Pr. Eylau . 1890.
  • In memory of Kaiser Wilhelm I in 1890.

Old Prussian monthly

  • Regesta on the German order's war trips to Lithuania. (After Wigand.). In: Old Prussian monthly. NF Vol. 6, 1869, pp. 509-518 .
  • The weapons hall of Mr. Blell on Tüngen near Wormditt. In: Old Prussian monthly. NF Vol. 10, 1873, pp. 124-139 .
  • The Prussian state parliament in Königsberg in 1594. In: Old Prussian monthly. NF Vol. 22, 1885, pp. 472-485 .

Old Town High School program

  • The Teutonic Order and the Duke Witold of Littau. In: Report on the old town high school in Königsberg i. Pr. Easter 1868 to Easter 1869, pp. 1–24 .
  • For the armament and warfare of the knights of the German order in Prussia. In: Report on the old town high school in Königsberg i. Pr. Easter 1887 to Easter 1888, pp. 1–22 .

Prussia meeting reports

  • About the weapons and jewelry of the Germanic tribes in the 5th and 6th centuries . 1875.
  • Submission of the Barten Land . 1876.
  • Castle ramparts in the vicinity of Rastenburg . 1876.
  • About Gr. Schwansfeld, Friedland district . 1877.
  • The Urban War in Prussia from 1454 to 1466 . 1877.
  • Antiquarian investigations in Sudauen, Galindien and Süd-Barten . 1877.
  • The Amber Land and the Amber Roads . 1878.
  • The round mountain near Passenheim . 1879.
  • A passage grave near Ruhden, district of Lötzen . 1880.
  • About the later years of Duke Albrecht Friedrich's government . 1882.
  • About Martin Luther's relations with Old Prussia . 1883.
  • Grave field of the older Iron Age in the Rotebude Forestry District, Lötzen district . I1884.
  • The coat of arms of the Teutonic Order . 1885.
  • A Trenk mug . 1885.
  • The Fürstenau burial ground, Rastenburg district . 1886.
  • A guard house from the last pagan times in Bosemb, Sensburg district and a practice site in Wolka, Rastenburg district . 1886.
  • In memory of Baron von Printz on Plinken . 1887.
  • A centenary anniversary of the Bujack family . 1887.
  • Schanzen and Schloßberge zu Taplacken, Gr. Schleuse, Lischkau and Kraplau, Wehlau district . 1887.
  • The stay of the sculptor Baron von Printz in Paris in 1848 . 1887.
  • The burial ground of the Roman period in Grebieten, Fischhausen district . 1887.
  • Three barrows in Doben, Angerburg district . 1887.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dissertation: De Silono scriptore Hannibalis .
  2. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002, ISBN 3-88189-441-1