Georg Friedrich Deinlein

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Georg Friedrich Deinlein (born December 18, 1696 in Altdorf near Nuremberg ; † May 11, 1757 there ; also Deinlinus ) was a German law scholar and university professor .


As the son of the Mayor of Altdorf, Deinlein studied there at the university from 1711 . In 1714 he obtained the degree of Master of Philosophy . He then went to the University of Halle , where he undertook further studies with Christian Thomasius , Justus Henning Böhmer and Nicolaus Hieronymus Gundling , who also studied in Altdorf . After traveling through Germany, he returned to Altdorf in 1718. There he obtained his legal doctorate in 1719 and began his work as a private lecturer in philosophy and law.

In 1730 Deinlein was appointed associate professor of law and in 1731 professor of logic and law. In 1738 he was appointed professor of the institutions and full assessor of the law faculty, in 1740 he was appointed advisor to the imperial city of Nuremberg and professor of the Pandects , and in 1744 professor Juris primarius . At the university he was rector twice and dean of the law faculty six times .

The German Society in Leipzig made him an honorary member. He turned down calls to the universities of Helmstedt , Gießen , and Erlangen .


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