Georg Heimann-Trosien

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Heimann-Trosien (1969) with the Band des Corps Borussia Breslau

Georg Heimann-Trosien (born October 20, 1900 in Adelnau (Posen) , † December 11, 1987 in Karlsruhe ) was a German judge .


Heimann-Trosien's father was the Jew Dr. Friedrich Heimann (* 1861), retired district administrator D. and co-owner of the E. Heimann banking house in Breslau. As captain d. R. and leader of the 6./Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment 11, Friedrich Heimann fell on July 19, 1915 while storming the village of Kazanow in Russia. The banker Georg Heimann was a brother.

Georg Heimann-Trosien joined the 2./Feld-Artillerie-Reg on May 2nd, 1918 as a flag boy. 56 a. He also took part in the First World War and received the Iron Cross 2nd class. Since the end of 1918 he had been a sub-officer of the flag squad and was discharged from the army on August 30, 1919. He began to study law at the Schlesische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität and became active in the Corps Borussia Breslau in 1920 . In 1921 he took part in the fighting against the uprising in Upper Silesia . He received the Silesian probation badge 2nd and 1st class with swords. In 1921/22 he founded the local group Breslau des Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten . In 1924 he resigned at his own request because the Silesian State Association had declared against the admission of non-Aryans. In 1923 he was promoted to Dr. iur. PhD . Georg Heimann-Trosien is one of the nine members of Borussia Breslau who, according to Nazi jargon, were " Jewish tribes " and therefore left their Borussia Breslau to implement the National Socialist Aryan paragraph , in coordination to ensure the continued existence of the Corps, 1934-1945.

From 1929 to 1945 he was a lawyer at the Wroclaw Higher Regional Court . In 1945 he became a district judge and in 1946 president of the regional court in Wesermünde . In the same year he went to Bremen as district court director , where he was assistant judge from 1947 to 1949 and president of the Senate at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court from 1949 to 1952 . After all, from 1952 he was federal judge at the Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe for sixteen years .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Letter from Georg Heimann-Trosien to the Corps Borussia Breslau dated September 14, 1933
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 78/763
  3. Dissertation: The Requirements for Ownership .
  4. Jürgen Herrlein, On the “Aryan Question” in student associations , Nomos, 2015, page 366