Georg Hermann von Schweinitz

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Georg Hermann von Schweinitz and Crain (born February 24, 1602 in Crain , † April 30, 1667 in Breslau ) was a German military.


The former Krayner Castle of the Counts of Schweinitz, 2012

He came from the old Silesian noble family von Schweinitz and grew up on his father's castle in Crain. After attending the Latin School in Jauer , Schweinitz undertook his grand tour through western and southern Europe and then went into the service of the Duke of Liegnitz and Brieg .

After the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War, Schweinitz initially fought on the side of the Protestants against the Imperialists and was captured in 1623 by the troops of General Tilly . After Schweinitz had regained his freedom in a prisoner exchange, he married Elisabeth von Schliebitz in 1624. In 1634 he rejoined the army. In 1638 he was promoted to colonel sergeant. In the Second Battle of Breitenfeld , Schweinitz served in the Electoral Saxon Imperial Army under Octavio Piccolomini as commander of a foot servant unit.

Shortly afterwards he received his appointment as city commander of Freiberg / Sa. By the elector Johann Georg I. in order to defend the city against the Swedish troops. During the siege of the city by 6000 men under Lennart Torstensson , Schweinitz coordinated the defense with a troop strength of 290 men in cooperation with Mayor Jonas Schönlebe during the winter of 1642/43. After the Swedes had withdrawn in 1643 without taking the city, Ferdinand III awarded him . the golden chain. His wife died in 1644 and Schweinitz married Anna Katharina von Ende the following year.

Until 1648 Schweinitz fought as regimental commander in the recapture of Meißen , Chemnitz , Zwickau , Rochlitz and Leipzig from the hand of the Swedes and received his appointment as chamberlain.

After the end of the war, Schweinitz worked as governor on Stolpen , Klippenstein and Hohnstein . He then went into Bohemian service and in 1663 led the expansion of the city fortifications of Wroclaw to protect the city from an attack by the Turks.

Schweinitz was a member of the Fruit Bringing Society and was nicknamed "The Bringing One".


  • Heinrich Gerlach: George Herrmann von Schweinitz. In: Communications of the Freiberger Alterthumsverein. Vol. 3, 1864, ISSN  1611-5759 , pp. 205-208.

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