Georg Konrad Büttner

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Georg Konrad Büttner (also Georg Conrad ; born November 2, 1648 in Dresden , † April 20, 1693 in Teplitz ) was a German hymn poet and civil servant .

Büttner was the son of the electoral mountain councilor Philipp Alexius Büttner. It is not known where he received his legal training. After traveling through Central and Western Europe, in 1672 he became an auditor and secretary for Duke Moritz's cavalry regiment in Saxony. In 1676 he was promoted to secretary and in 1682 to court and consistorial councilor in Zeitz . In 1682 he moved to Jena in the same position . There he became chamber councilor in 1683 , before he found employment as court and consistorial councilor in Arnstadt in 1684 . He died during a spa treatment in Teplitz.

Büttner wrote several hymns that were set to music by Adam Drese , including Egypt, Egypt, good night . He wrote the hymns without naming their names. It was not until his son Christian Ludwig Büttner, Schwarzburg councilor and librarian in Arnstadt, that he referred to his father's songs.
