Georg Ludwig von Hoppenstedt

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Georg Ludwig von Hoppenstedt (previously Georg Ludwig Hoppenstedt ; Georg von Hoppenstedt ; born July 10, 1830 in Hildesheim , † April 18, 1894 in Wiesbaden ) was a German state economist .



Georg Ludwig von Hoppenstedt was - like the later district court president in Lübeck Karl Hoppenstedt (1834–1910) - a great-nephew of the administrative lawyer and statesman and Lord Mayor of Hanover Georg Ernst Friedrich Hoppenstedt .


Georg Ludwig Hoppenstedt, who was born in Hildesheim at the time of the Kingdom of Hanover , attended the polytechnic school in the then royal seat of Hanover from 1847 and gained his first professional experience on estates such as Gut Winzberg , Gut Rethmar and Gut Steinbrück .

From 1854 Hoppenstedt studied in Jena and Göttingen . In the meantime, he had already leased the estate in Liebenburg in 1851 , and Schladen was added in 1869 .

In 1858 Georg Ludwig Hoppenstedt was elected President of the Goslar Agricultural and Forestry Association. He also succeeded Kaufmann in the agricultural headquarters of Hildesheim, of which he was president from 1877.

Georg Ludwig Hoppenstedt was particularly involved in training young farmers, in the processing of grain and the testing of agricultural innovations. He introduced the steam floor culture and cultivated the "stone field".

In 1870 Hoppenstedt founded the Schladen sugar factory .

In addition to other activities, Hoppenstedt took on the tasks of a member of the central committee of the Hildesheim agricultural research facility, was chairman of the curatorium of the Hildesheim agricultural school and president of the German dairy association.

For his services, Hoppenstedt was raised to the nobility by Emperor Friedrich as Georg Ludwig von Hoppenstedt in 1888 .

Literature (selection)

  • Milk newspaper. Organ for the entire livestock and dairy industry , 23rd year (edition of May 12, 1894), p. 302f .;
  • Georg Ludwig von Hoppenstedt (1830–1894) , in: Salzgitter. Monthly for tourism, culture and economy , year 22, issue 6, Salzgitter: Verkehrsverein Salzgitter eV, 1984, p. 6

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i Wilhelm Rothert : v. Hoppenstedt , in this: General Hannoversche Biographie . Volume 1: Hanoverian men and women since 1866 . Sponholtz, Hannover 1912, p. 347
  2. Compare the information in the catalog of the German National Library
  3. ^ Waldemar R. RöhrbeinHoppenstedt, Georg. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 9, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1972, ISBN 3-428-00190-7 , p. 620 f. ( Digitized version ).
  4. limited preview in the Google book search