Georg Uhlmann

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Georg Uhlmann , also called Uhlmann-Schorch , (born November 20, 1922 in Oberwürschnitz ) is a former German teacher and historian , who became known nationwide in the early years of the GDR through his work in the FDJ history teacher from Neuwürschnitz new teachers .


He came from a family of miners in the Lugau-Oelsnitzer coal field and attended elementary school in Neuwürschnitz from 1929 to 1933 and then the secondary school in Stollberg / Erzgeb. , where he joined the Hitler Youth in 1935. After he had done labor service from 1940 to 1942, he was drafted into the Wehrmacht. At the beginning of June 1945 he was released from French captivity. On October 1, 1945 he took up a position as a new teacher in the school service in Neuwürschnitz. After a short period of work, he took over the school management in March 1946, which he held until August 1950. During this time he was also a member of the FDJ history teacher "Fritz Scheffler", which became known throughout the GDR for its work. As such, he was appointed to work for history at the Volk und Wissen publishing house in Berlin in 1951 . There he was u. a. involved in the development of the history textbooks for grades 8. Georg Uhlmann then worked as an editor in the publishing house, where he a. a. contributed to the further development of new textbooks for history.

From 1954 to 1958, George Uhlmann prepared as a scientific aspirant at the Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany for his doctorate Dr. phil. in front. He compiled volume 7, The Agricultural Workers' Movement in the November Revolution, published in 1958 . In the same year his essay Die Bodenfrage in der Novemberrevolution was published in: ZfG 6 (special issue), 1958, p. 110ff.

From 1958 to 1970 he was a political assistant at the Central Committee of the SED, Science Department. Then he went to the Institute for Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the SED to the department "History of the German Labor Movement", where he a. a. became one of the main editors of the volume Klassekampf, Tradition, Sozialismus , which appeared in print in 1974.

In 1961 Georg Uhlmann successfully defended his dissertation in Berlin on the subject of the agricultural workers and farmers in the November Revolution of 1918 and in the spring of 1919 .


  • Bruno Selig, Horst Rößler : Celebrities from our homeland. The way of four Neuwürschnitzern. The employee in the Central Committee of the SED . In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge , 11, 1966, No. 10. pp. 221–222.
  • Marko Demantowsky : History Propaganda and Activist Movement in the Soviet Zone and the Early GDR , 2000, p. 82 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. Marko Demantowsky: History Propaganda and Activist Movement in the Soviet Zone and the Early GDR , 2000, p. 26