Gerhard Fink

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Gerhard Fink (born November 29, 1934 in Fürth ; † June 18, 2013 in Nuremberg ) was a German classical philologist and didactic specialist .


Fink studied classical philology , German , philosophy and history in Erlangen. In the winter semester 1955/56 he participated in the re-establishment of the Alemannia Leipzig fraternity in Erlangen, later he received the honorary ribbon of the BDSt Saxonia Prague in Nuremberg . In 1958 he became a mythological study of Pandora and Epimetheus Dr. phil. PhD.

One focus of his work was the didactics of ancient languages , to which he devoted himself in numerous essays, essays and textbooks. He also taught Latin , German and history as a grammar school teacher at the Willstätter grammar school in Nuremberg and was also entrusted with the trainee training. Fink played a key role in the conception of the "Cursus" textbooks from CCBuchner-Verlag. The courses "Cursus Continuus" and "Cursus Brevis" have been used in schools nationwide for almost 50 years and have been continuously revised over a long period by Fink as co-editor and co-author. In addition, he wrote various teaching materials for Latin lessons such as learning aids, high school diploma trainers, reading books and school editions, designed standard works such as Langenscheidt's basic Latin vocabulary and, together with Friedrich Maier, the specific subject didactics of Latin .

Fink also worked extensively as a translator and editor. He provided German translations of Seneca , Horace , Virgil , Aulus Gellius and a prose translation for Ovid's Metamorphoses . Many of these editions were published in the bilingual Artemis series, which Fink was also responsible for for several years as editor alongside Manfred Fuhrmann and Karl Bayer . In numerous publications, Fink endeavored to make central texts and topics of antiquity accessible to a broad public. For example, he wrote summaries of Plato's dialogues and Homer's epics for the “Masterpieces in a Nutshell” series of the Piper series , a Gustav Schwab- oriented new version of the “most beautiful sagas of antiquity” for a contemporary audience and reference works such as who's who in ancient mythology . He published a compilation of Seneca's philosophical reflections on the happy life especially “for the stressed”, and he wrote the volume The ancient Greeks from the What-is-Was series for a young readership . In Schimpf und Schande (Schimpf und Schande) and the self-deprecating little dirty finch, Fink also dealt with customers of swear words from Latin. Some humorous works also appeared under the pseudonym "Caius Claudius Callidus", sometimes called "CCC".

Fink's Franconian homeland was also a focus of his research throughout his life. So he translated the Nuremberg Chronicle of Conrad Celtis , published other local historical sources and created the Lilliput phrasebook Fränkisch for the Langenscheidt publishing house.

Gerhard Fink died on June 18, 2013 after a long illness at the age of 78 in Nuremberg.

Publications (selection)


  • Pandora and Epimetheus , Erlangen 1959
  • Greetings from CCC! , Munich 1981 (Manz)
  • The Greek Language , Munich 1986 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Schimpf und Schande , Zurich 1991 (Artemis)
  • Quis-Quiz , Munich 1992 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Who's who in ancient mythology , Munich 1993 (dtv)
  • Seneca for the stressed , Zurich 1993 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Gods in Nuremberg , Nuremberg 1994 (Edelmann)
  • Mockers, gods and madmen: ancient anecdotes , Zurich 1987 (Artemis)
  • Who was in the bin? , Frankfurt am Main 1995 (Insel-Verlag)
  • The most beautiful sagas of antiquity , Düsseldorf 1999 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Homer's Iliad and Odyssey , Munich 1999 (Piper)
  • Plato's great dialogues , Munich 2001 (Piper)
  • The little dirt finch , Mannheim 2001 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • What is what: The ancient Greeks , ill. by Peter Klaucke, Nuremberg 2002 (Tessloff)

Textbooks, specialist didactics and dictionaries

  • Abitur Latin , Munich 1976 (Lindauer)
  • Working with Langenscheidt's Large School Dictionary Latin-German as part of the initial reading , Berlin 1977 (Langenscheidt)
  • Having fun with Latin: cheerful chats about everything possible and impossible , Munich 1976 (Manz learning aids)
  • Forms of storytelling: Examples from Latin literature , The ancient language teaching, vol. 23, booklet 3, Stuttgart 1980 (Klett)
  • Sal et acetum: Latin satires, parodies and epigrams , Donauwörth 1981 (Auer)
  • Ovid's Ars Amatoria. Texts with explanations, work assignments, accompanying texts , Göttingen 1983 (Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht)
  • Rulers, heroes, saints: Latin images of life; selected from "Historia Augusta", Eugippius' "Vita Sancti Severini", Einhard's "Vita Karoli" , Bamberg 1984 (Buchner)
  • Concrete subject didactics in Latin , Munich 1996 (Oldenbourg), with Friedrich Maier
  • Langenscheidt, basic Latin vocabulary , Berlin 2001 (Langenscheidt)
  • Lilliput Fränkisch , Berlin 2011 (Langenscheidt)
  • Tips - Tricks - Training: Latin for Beginners and Advanced Students , Stuttgart 2002 (Manz)

Editions and translations

  • Nuremberg: local historical texts , Munich 1983 (Lindauer's Latin sources)
  • Seneca : From the rest of the soul and other essays , Munich 1991 (dtv); translated and introduced
  • Ovid : Metamorphoses: The Book of Myths and Metamorphoses , Zurich 1990 (Artemis)
  • Seneca: The happy life , Latin-German, Düsseldorf 1999 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Horace : Satires / Sermones , Latin-German, Düsseldorf 1999 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Konrad Celtis : Norimberga , Nürnberg 2000 (Nürnberger Presse), translated and introduced
  • Ovid: Metamorphoses , Latin-German, Düsseldorf 2001 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Horace: Odes and Epodes , Latin-German, Düsseldorf 2002 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Horace: Epistulae / Briefe , Latin-German, Düsseldorf 2003 (Artemis & Winkler); only as editor
  • Seneca: The brevity of life , Latin-German, Düsseldorf 2003 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Virgil : Aeneid, Latin-German, Düsseldorf 2005 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Seneca : Epistulae morales ad Lucilium , Latin-German, Düsseldorf 2007 (Artemis & Winkler)
  • Seneca : Writings on ethics: the small dialogues; Latin-German. Ed. And transl. by Gerhard Fink. Artemis & Winkler, Düsseldorf 2008 (Tusculum Collection), ISBN 978-3-538-03509-6


  • Friedrich Maier : In Memoriam Gerhard Fink , in: Forum Classicum 3, 2013, p. 214.

Individual evidence

  1. Fink's biography on
  2. a b Finks obituary notice
  3. ^ Forum Classicum 3, 2013, p. 214
  4. ^ Forum Classicum 3, 2013, p. 214

Web links