Gerhard Kortum

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Gerhard Kortum (born February 19, 1941 in Kiel ; † June 16, 2013 in Neumünster ) was a German geographer and former director and curator of the Institute for Oceanography at the University of Kiel.


After studying geography and English in Kiel and Freiburg, he initially worked in Iran from 1966 to 1970, where he worked for the German Academic Exchange Service as a lecturer at the University of Shiraz and at the language and cultural center of the Goethe Institute there.

In 1972 he received his doctorate in Kiel on the principles and development of an ancient Iranian irrigation landscape. In 1974 he finished this thesis with "summa cum laude".

In 1977 Kortum took up an assistant position at the Institute of Geography, where he completed his habilitation in 1984 with a thesis on industrial plant cultivation and the development of rural economic areas in Turkey.

In 1987 he was appointed Scientific Director and Curator at the Institute for Oceanography and in 1989 he was appointed Associate Professor.

In 2003, Kortum retired.

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