Gerhardus Kruys

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Vice Admiral Gerhardus Kruys (1900)

Gerhardus Kruys (* 21st August 1838 in Vriezenveen , Overijssel , † 12. December 1902 in The Hague ) was a Dutch Vice Admiral and non-party politicians , among others, 1891 Secretary of the Navy in the cabinet Mackay and 1901-1902 again Marine minister in the Cabinet Kuyper was .


Gerhardus Kruys whose father mayor of Vriezenveen was started in 1853 trained as a naval officer and found after numerous uses as an officer and staff officer of the Royal Navy ( Koninklijke Marine ) such as in the naval forces in the Dutch East Indies , where he arrived May 1, 1883 was promoted to captain at sea (Kapitein-ter-zee) . On May 1, 1884, he became vice director of the Amsterdam naval shipyard . On March 31, 1891, he was appointed to succeed Rear Admiral Hendrik Dyserinck as Minister of the Navy (Minister van Marine) in the Mackay cabinet , to which he was a member until August 21, 1891. In this function he was promoted to Rear Admiral ( Schout-bij-Nacht ) on May 25, 1891 and was also a member of the State Commission for Land and Sea Forces since April 18, 1891 .

After leaving the government, Rear Admiral Kruys was Chief of Naval Staff from August 21, 1891 to March 1, 1894. At the same time he became a member of the Advisory Commission for the Strength of the Naval Base Amsterdam in March 1893. He was then between March 1, 1894 and December 1, 1898 in command of the naval forces in the Dutch East Indies, and as such was promoted to Vice-Admiral on August 1, 1894 . On December 1, 1898, he was adopted into retirement. On August 1, 1901, he was appointed Minister of the Navy in the Kuyper cabinet and held this ministerial office until his death on December 12, 1902.

For his services, he was commander of the Order of the Dutch Lion and also received the Officer's Cross of the Order of the Oak Crown , the Knight's Cross Third Class of the Russian Order of Saint Anne , the Knight's Cross First Class of the Order of the Red Eagle , the title of Grand Officer of the White Elephant Order and the Order of Knights of Avis .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Mackay Cabinet in Parliament
  2. ^ Cabinet Mackay in De Nederlandse kabinetten from 1901 to 1945
  3. The Netherlands: Ministries (Rulers)
  4. Kuyper's cabinet in Parliament
  5. ^ Kabinett Kuyper in De Nederlandse kabinetten from 1901 to 1945
  6. The Netherlands: Ministries (Rulers)