Gerhild Weber

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Gerhild Weber

Gerhild Weber (born May 3, 1918 ; † November 7, 1996 ) was a German actress with a short film career during the Second World War.


Little is known about Gerhild Weber's career. At the age of 19 she began to play theater, and she took up her first permanent engagement in the second half of 1938 at the Greifswald City Theater . From there she engaged Heinz Hilpert in 1940 at the Deutsches Theater Berlin . In the summer of the same year, the artist was brought in front of the camera for the female lead in the nationalist-propagandistic equestrian drama … rides für Deutschland for the first time. There she played the friend Willy Birgels . At the beginning of the following year, Gerhild Weber agreed to play a leading role in the inflammatory propaganda film Homecoming alongside Attila Hörbiger and Paula Wessely . For the presentation of this strip her and the couple Wessely / Hörbiger early September 1941 traveled to the Biennale of Venice . Two years later, Weber also made himself available for the short Liese and Miese films that are part of the opening shows in the cinema. With the female leading role in another horse film, Harry Piel's long unfinished staging The Man in the Saddle , Gerhild Weber's short and very ambiguous film career ended in the spring of 1945.

Branded as extremely loyal to the regime through her activities in the Third Reich, Gerhild Weber barely made friends after 1945 - both in the theater and in film. She hardly appeared in front of the camera anymore (only for a short television appearance in an episode of the television series The Despicable One ), and she hardly found any interesting roles in the theater either . After a rare permanent engagement at the Leipziger Schauspielhaus shortly after the end of the war , Weber only stayed irregularly employed. In the 1950s she found a livelihood at the NWDR in Cologne , later the freelance artist only made guest appearances. After a permanent engagement at the theater of Cuxhaven , she settled in this city in the 1960s and spent her retirement there. Gerhild Weber made guest appearances mainly in northern Germany; for example, she was seen in 1971 as Rosalie Ebersbach in a performance of Karl Mays Winnetou as part of the Karl May Games in Bad Segeberg .


Radio plays


  • Deutsches Bühnen-Jahrbuch , 49th year 1938 (and subsequent years)
  • Johann Caspar Glenzdorf: Glenzdorf's international film lexicon. Biographical manual for the entire film industry. Volume 3: Peit – Zz. Prominent-Filmverlag, Bad Münder 1961, DNB 451560752 (only filmography).

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