Girolamo Induno

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Girolamo Induno: self-portrait

Girolamo Induno , occasionally Gerolamo Induno (born December 13, 1827 in Milan , † December 18, 1890 ibid), was an Italian painter .

Induno studied in his hometown at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera . During the Risorgimento in 1848 on the occasion of the defense of Rome - Roman Republic (1849) - he was seriously wounded and was not able to start painting again until 1855. In these first pictures after the war, he thematized several events from this.

In addition, Induno is better known for its cheerful scenes from the Rococo period and historical genre pictures . His oeuvre shows great warmth of feeling, dexterity of presentation and graceful performance.

Works (selection)

The death of Enrico Cairoli , 1868


Web links

Commons : Gerolamo Induno  - collection of images, videos and audio files