Gert Pinkernell

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Gert Pinkernell

Gert Pinkernell (born September 7, 1937 in Braunschweig ; † January 23, 2017 ) was a German Romance studies and literary scholar . He was a professor at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal .


Pinkernell grew up in Hanover and in Lamspringe in the Harz foreland. After graduating from high school in Hildesheim , he did his military service in Hanover in 1957/58 as a member of the first class of recruits in the Bundeswehr. He then began to study German and Romance languages ​​at the Free University of Berlin , where he passed the state examination for French and German in 1964 . He then became an assistant to the Romance scholar Klaus Heitmann at the Technical University of Berlin . He soon followed him to the University of Marburg , where he received his doctorate in 1969 (now married and father of two), and then to the University of Heidelberg , where he completed his habilitation in 1974 .

After a year-long substitute for a professorship in Marburg, he was appointed university lecturer in Heidelberg in 1975. In 1976 he was offered a professorship for Romance studies (literary studies) at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal. Here he mainly taught French, but also Spanish and occasionally Italian literary history . From 1980 he was significantly involved in the exchange relations between his university and the University of Saint-Étienne , where he stayed as a visiting professor in the winter semester of 83/84.

Pinkernell was a representative of a concrete, above all philological, biographical, and historical-regional literary approach. His research areas included French literature of the late Middle Ages, the French novel in the 18th century, the French theater of the 1930s to 1950s, and German transmissions of French poetry, particularly that of Paul Zech .

In 2002 Pinkernell retired, but held his position until 2003. In addition to his work in research and teaching, he held office for exactly 25 years as the constantly re-elected chairman of the doctoral and master's examination committee in his department.

After finally giving up his teaching and examination work in 2004, Pinkernell devoted himself to his chronological online reference work of literary history, names, titles and dates of French literature . However, since 2014 he has only worked on it sporadically for reasons of age.

The same applies to his very active collaboration in Wikipedia between 2004 and around 2010 , where he has probably newly posted and partly optimized around a hundred articles on French authors and other historical people.

He has been writing funny animal poems since 2011, a first volume of which appeared in 2013 and a second in 2016 under the title Once Upon a Time in Print.

Fonts (selection)

  • Raoul Lefèvre: L'Histoire de Jason - A 15th century novel . Edited by Gert Pinkernell. Athenäum-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1971, ISBN 3-761-07113-2 . (At the same time Diss. Marburg 1969)
  • François Villons “Lais” - attempt at an overall interpretation. In: Studia Romanica. Volume 34.Winter, Heidelberg 1979, ISBN 3-533-02771-6 .
  • François Villon et Charles d'Orléans (1457 à 1461). D'après les "Poésies diverses" de Villon. In: Studia Romanica. Volume 79.Winter, Heidelberg 1992, ISBN 3-533-04526-9 .
  • Klaus Heitmann : Spiegelungen - Romance contributions to imagology. Edited by Gert Pinkernell and Oskar Roth in: Studia Romanica. Volume 86.Winter, Heidelberg 1996, ISBN 3-8253-0384-5 .
  • Interpretations. Collected studies on the Romance literatures of the Middle Ages and French literature of the 18th and 20th centuries. Edited by Hartmut Stenzel and Heinz Thoma in: Studia Romanica. Volume 90.Winter, Heidelberg 1997, ISBN 3-8253-0608-9 .
  • François Villon - biography critique et autres études; suivies d'une étude sur deux rondeaux de Marie de Clèves. In: Studia Romanica. Volume 110.Winter, Heidelberg 2002, ISBN 3-8253-1423-5 .
  • Paul Zech and his vicious ballads and songs by François Villon - a 'betrayal of the reader'? In: Euphorion. Journal of the History of Literature. Volume 104, 2010, pp. 371-391, ISSN  0014-2328 .
  • Can you recommend Wikipedia to students? In: Romance journal for the history of literature. Volume 35, 2011, pp. 205-211, ISSN  0343-379X .
  • French authors on German-language Wikipedia . In: Véronique Liard, Marion George (ed.): Reflections - Refractions. Images of France in German-speaking cultural contexts . Trafo Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin 2011. pp. 245–262.
  • Paul Zech's adaptation of the sonnets by Louise Labé . On the history of a Münchhausiade. In: Euphorion. Journal of the History of Literature. Volume 109, 2015, pp. 459-471.
  • There was once. Fun poems for young and old . Deutscher Lyrik Verlag, Aachen 2013. ISBN 978-3-8422-4216-6 .
  • There was once. Fun animal poems for young and old. New episode . Deutscher Lyrik Verlag, Aachen 2016. ISBN 978-3-8422-4405-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice for Gert Pinkernell in Westdeutsche Zeitung
  2. ^ Names, titles and dates of French literature on