Gian Nicola Berti

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Gian Nicola Berti (born August 9, 1960 in San Marino ) is a San Marino politician and marksman. From April 1st to October 1st, 2016 he was Capitano Reggente (Head of State) of San Marino.


Berti graduated from Urbino University in 1976 with a law degree . In 1978 he was admitted to the bar and notary public. Since then he has been working as a freelancer.

Berti is married and has two sons, Gian Marco and Gian Luca. The multiple Minister and Capitano Reggente from 1993/4, Gian Luigi Berti , is his father, Maria Luisa Berti , Capitano Reggente 2011, is his sister.


Berti ran in 2006 on the list of Noi Sammarinesi (NS) for the Consiglio Grande e Generale , the parliament of San Marino, but won no mandate. In the 2008 elections, he ran for the Lista delle Libertà (LdL) - the merger of Noi Sammarinesi and Nuovo Partito Socialista - and again missed entry into parliament, but moved up for one of the LdL ministers who were leaving parliament. Berti became chairman of the health committee and a member of the interior committee. In the parliamentary elections in 2012, he won a seat in parliament on the joint list of Partito Democratico Cristiano Sammarinese (PDCS) and NS. He was a member of the Interior Committee and the Anti-Mafia Commission. In the 2016 election, Berti ran on the list of Sammarinesi - a merger of Noi Sammarinesi and Sammarinesi Senza Confine - who failed because of the 3.5% threshold.

On March 16, 2016, Gian Nicola Berti was elected together with Massimo Andrea Ugolini as Capitano Reggente for the term of office from April 1 to October 1, 2016.


Berti is a marksman and specialist in trap . At the Games of the Small States of Europe , he won the gold medal in the trap in 1985 and 1987. At the Mediterranean Games in 1987, he won the silver medal. At the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, he was the flag bearer of the San Marinese team. His two sons are also trap shooters. Gian Luca won the Trap Shooting World Cup in Baku in 2016.

Berti was President of the Appeals Committee of the San Marino Football Federation ( Federazione Sammarinese Giuoco Calcio ) , and President of the San Marino Equestrian Federation (Federazione Ippica Sammarinese) . In 2017 Berti was elected President of the San Marino Rifle Federation (Federazione Sammarinese Tiro a Volo) .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Noi Sammarinesi: cordoglio per la scomparsa di Gian Luigi Berti. In: San Marino RTV. February 27, 2014, accessed January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  2. ^ Result of the Noi Sammarinese list in the election of June 4, 2006. Ministry of the Interior of San Marino, accessed on January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  3. ^ Result of the Lista della Libertà list in the election of November 9, 2008. Ministry of the Interior of San Marino, accessed on January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  4. Il governo ha Giurato. San Marino RTV, December 3, 2008, accessed January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  5. ^ Commissione Consiliare Permanente Igiene e Sanità, Previdenza e Sicurezza Sociale, Politiche Sociali, Sport; Territorio, Ambiente e Agricoltura. In: Retrieved January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  6. ^ Commissione Consiliare Permanente Affari Costituzionali ed Istituzionali; Pubblica amministrazione; Affari Interni, Protezione Civile, Rapporti con le Giunte di Castello; Giustizia; Istruzione, Cultura, Beni Culturali, Università e Ricerca Scientifica. In: Retrieved January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  7. ^ Result of the PDCS-NS list in the election of December 11, 2012. Ministry of the Interior of San Marino, accessed on January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  8. ^ Commissione Interni. In: Retrieved January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  9. ^ Commissione Antimafia., accessed January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  10. ^ Result of the election of November 20, 2016 - Sammarinesi list. Ministry of Interior of San Marino, accessed January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  11. Elezioni: nasce "Sammarinesi". San Marino RTV, September 22, 2016, accessed January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  12. ^ Result of the election of November 20, 2016. Ministry of the Interior of San Marino, accessed on January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  13. Elenco Capitani Reggenti dal 1243 a oggi. (PDF (135 kB)) Reggenza della Repubblica di San Marino, accessed on January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  14. San Marino. Eletti i nuovi Capitani Reggenti: Gian Nicola Berti e Massimo Andrea Ugolini. Photogallery MW., March 17, 2016, accessed January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  15. Tiro a volo: Gian Marco Berti scrive la storia del tiro a volo. San Marino RTV, June 23, 2016, accessed January 28, 2017 (Italian).
  16. ^ Tiro a volo: Gian Nicola Berti è il nuovo presidente. San Marino RTV, January 17, 2017, accessed January 28, 2017 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor

Lorella Stefanelli
Nicola Renzi
Capitano Reggente
together with Massimo Andrea Ugolini
April 1, 2016–1. October 2016

Marino Riccardi
Fabio Berardi