Giannina Facio

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Gianna Facio (2015)

Giannina Facio Franco , married Scott (born September 10, 1955 in San José ) is a Costa Rican film actress , film producer and singer .

useful information

The daughter of the Costa Rican diplomat Gonzalo Facio initially stood in front of the film camera in unknown productions before she got a supporting role in Gladiator in 2000 . From this point, it was with film director Ridley Scott romantically involved, who in each of his movies since then - even if only in small roles - occupied. So she was in Black Hawk Down , Hannibal and Kingdom of Heaven . Facio co-produced the film Tricks with Nicolas Cage in the lead role .

As a singer, she published a Lambada work called Ela Dançava A Lambada in 1989 together with Gerio Schubach . A year later she could be heard as a house musician in One, Two, Three, Four .

As a co-producer of Peter Landesman's film drama Shattering Truth , she received a Black Reel Award nomination in the “Outstanding Motion Picture” category in 2016 together with Ridley Scott, Larry Shuman, Elizabeth Cantillon and David Wolthoff .

In the 1980s, Facio was in a relationship with Julio Iglesias . She has been married to Ridley Scott since June 2015.


As an actress

As a producer

Web links

Commons : Giannina Facio  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. 16th Annual Black Reel Award Nominations . Retrieved May 11, 2019.
  2. Ridley Scott and Son Both Tie the Knot in 2015 (English), accessed on January 25, 2018