Gillerberg Turn Festival

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Gillerberg Turn Festival
DTB gymnast's cross
sports Athletics
Organizer / host Siegerland-Turngau Turngemeinde Grund
meeting July
Duration several days
place Giller in the Rothaar Mountains ,
district Siegen-Wittgenstein
state North Rhine-Westphalia
founding 4th August 1907
organizer Gillerberg Festival Committee
management Bernd Fuhrmann

The Gillerberg Gymnastics Festival on Giller Mountain near Hilchenbach in Siegerland in North Rhine-Westphalia ( Germany ) is the largest mountain gymnastics festival in German-speaking countries. It has traditionally been held as a multi-day event since 1907.

Geographical location

The Gillerberg Turn Festival takes place on the Giller ( 653.7  m above sea  level ), a mountain in the Rothaargebirge near the Hilchenbach district of Lützel in the area of ​​the Hilchenbach district of Grund . The venue is in particular the Gillersportplatz ( 602.6  m above sea level ), which also belongs to Grund and is located around 600 meters east of the Ginsburg , on the southwestern edge of the Ginsberger Heide , which is under nature protection and extends slightly northwest of the Gillers. To the west of the sports field, where the Rothaarsteig leads past, is the Waldschulheim Gillerheim , a little to the north is the Ginsberg farm .


The initiator of the Gillerberg Turn Festival was journalist and gymnast Ewald Hahn († 1982) from Kredenbach , a district of Kreuztal . The first gymnastics festival took place on August 4, 1907. Efforts to acquire the site for the gymnastics festival failed.

First, makeshift running tracks and diving pits were created, and in 1932 laborious and lengthy negotiations with the Hofginsberger Haubergsgenossenschaft Grund resulted in a 30-year lease. This initially led to the fact that the competition area was expanded and significantly enlarged with the Voluntary Labor Service (FAD) established in 1931/32 . The work for the leveling of the site and the creation of the sports facilities, including a 400-meter circular track, was mainly carried out by gymnasts and lasted from February 1st to the end of July 1932 - this is how the Gillerberg Turnfest competition area, the Gillersportplatz, was created . The realization of the hall already planned at the time as accommodation and equipment room had to be postponed for the time being.

Today the sports field offers a comprehensive infrastructure for athletes. In addition to the Gillerbergheim with showers, there is a two-part tent camp and many sports facilities. These include the places for the full ball throw, the high jump , the ball throw, the stone throwing and the shot put , lanes for the long jump and a field for beach volleyball . A stage, an information stand and a DRK stand are planned. For the Gillerberglauf there are two routes of five and ten kilometers in length, which offer a demanding route profile.

Sports and disciplines

Athletics , swimming , dance , gymnastics , volleyball and hiking are all offered at the Gillerberg Gymnastics Festival . Among other things, classic disciplines from the time of the gymnastics movement, but also modern sports disciplines belong to the competition program:


Among other things, the Fritz Schneider Memorial Sign as well as the Ginsberger Heide hiking award and trophies are awarded at the competitions.

Supporting program

A show event is intended to enable club groups to present themselves on the stage of the Gillerberg Turn Festival. The GillerStars event is not competition-oriented, rather it serves to entertain both active people and spectators.


The Gillerberg Turn Festival is nationwide. In 2011, 1508 athletes took part (2010: 2213 participants).

Organizer and host

The organizer has been Siegerland-Turngau 1886, founded on January 23, 1889, since 1907; the organizer is the Grund von 1909 gymnastics community.


Part of the costs of the Gillerberg Turn Festival is borne by regional sponsors, which include various savings banks and a brewery.

Video on demand


Individual evidence

  1. Topographical Information Management, Cologne District Government, Department GEObasis NRW ( Notes )
  2. Sketch of the competition venues of the Gillerberg Turn Festival (PDF file; 972 kB)
  3. ↑ Routing of the Gillerberglauf (PDF file; 376 kB)
  4. Route profile of the Gillerberglauf (PDF file; 28 kB)
  5. Poster GillerStars (PDF file; 424 kB)
  6. Gillerbergturnfest winners list  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on: (PDF file; 20 kB)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /  
  7. Gillerbergturnfest, Results 2011 ( Memento of the original from September 13, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on: @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. ^ "Scrolled back ...", Siegener Zeitung of January 29, 2011

Web links

Coordinates: 50 ° 58 ′ 27.6 ″  N , 8 ° 9 ′ 13.8 ″  E