Giovan Battista Caporali

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Giovan Battista Caporali (also Gian Battista or Giambattista Caporali , called Please ) (* 1476 in Perugia ; † 1560 ibid.) Was an Italian painter and architect of the Renaissance . He was mentioned by Giorgio Vasari as Benedetto (called Bitti ).


Scene della vita di Sant'Antonio Abate , Chiesa di Sant'Antonio abate, Deruta , Umbria

His parents were the painters Bartolomeo di Segnolo and Brigida Cartolari. After Vasari he was a student of Perugino . With Pinturicchio he painted the panel painting Incoronazione della Vergine in Umbertide in 1503 in the Church of Santa Maria della Fratta (Convento di Santa Maria della Pietà), which is now in the Vatican Museum . Around 1508/1509 Caporali stayed in Rome and had contact with the architects Bramante , Peruzzi and Giuliano da Sangallo . In 1510 he painted the fresco Cristo in Trono tra San Giovanni Battista e San Pietro in the church of San Salvatore del Ceraseto . From 1521 he built the Villa Passerini , also called Il Palazzone , near Cortona for Cardinal Silvio Passerini . The building has belonged to the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa since 1968 and is used by them for courses and conferences. As an author, Caporali appeared when he re-translated and commented on the first five architecture books of Vitruvius on the basis of the translation by Cesare Cesariano (1521) and as Architettura. Con il suo commento et figure Vetruvio in volgar lingua raportato by M. Gianbatista Caporali di Perugia . The Capitolo delhonore [sic!] Della pittura di m has survived only in the Biblioteca Marciana . Giambatista Caporali perugino . He is considered the teacher of the architect Galeazzo Alessi .



Web links

Commons : Giovanni Battista Caporali  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani: CAPORALI, Giovan Battista, detto Please
  2. a b Giorgio Vasari: Le Vite de 'più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani, da Cimabue infino a' tempi nostri.
  3. ^ Italian Touring Club : Umbria. Milan 1999, ISBN 88-365-2542-3 , p. 197
  4. Giampiero Brunelli:  PASSERINI, Silvio. In: Raffaele Romanelli (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 81:  Pansini – Pazienza. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2014 .; Information at cortonaguide
  5. ^ Information from the SNS
  6. German Vitruvio, represented by M. Gianbatista Caporali of Perugia with his commentary and drawings in the vernacular. Printer: Giano Bigazzini, Perugia 1536; in fact, some of the illustrations came from Cesariano.
  7. Evidence in EDIT16
  8. Proof in EDIT16; Digitized in the Internet Culturale .
  9. Mario Labò:  ALESSI, Galeazzo. In: Alberto M. Ghisalberti (Ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 2:  Albicante – Ammannati. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1960.