Giovanni Battista Casanova

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Giovanni Battista Casanova, engraving by Christian Friedrich Boetius after a picture by Anton Raphael Mengs
The grave of Giovanni Battista Casanova designed by Franz Pettrich in the Old Catholic Cemetery in Dresden.

Giovanni Battista Casanova or Giambattista Casanova , also Johann Baptist Casanova (born November 2, 1730 in Venice , † December 8, 1795 in Dresden ), was an Italian painter and draftsman who lived and worked mainly in Dresden and Rome .


Giovanni Battista was the third of the six children of Gaetano Casanova (1697–1733) and Giovanna, née Farussi (1708–1776), who lived in Venice. His parents were actors. His older brother Giacomo Casanova was the famous adventurer and writer. The brother Francesco Casanova, who was also very successful as a painter, was court painter in Vienna.

Giovanni Battista Casanova was married to Teresa Roland (1744–1779), with whom he had several children. At the time of his death, he lived in Dresden, Lochgasse No. 445.

Artistic creation

Casanova was a student of Louis de Silvestre (1675–1760), Giovanni Battista Piazzetta (1683–1754), Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich , called Dietricy (1712–1774) and Anton Raphael Mengs (1728–1779). He studied in Rome, Paris and Dresden. In December 1764 he came back from Rome to Dresden and became a co-founder, professor and from 1776 - together with Johann Eleazar Zeissig called Schenau (1737-1806) - director of the Dresden Art Academy . His students included Angelika Kauffmann (1741–1807), Johann Friedrich Reiffenstein (Reifenstein) (1719–1793) and Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717–1768). For Winckelmann, Casanova drew archaeological pieces from Pompeii and Herculaneum for his Monumenti antichi inediti , published in 1767 . According to Winckelmann, G. B. Casanova was "the greatest draftsman in Rome". His contemporaries considered him an excellent draftsman and copyist, mainly of the works of Raphael .

Final resting place

Casanova found his final resting place on December 11, 1795 in Dresden in the Old Catholic Cemetery in the Friedrichstadt district . His former student Franz Pettrich designed the tomb .


Web links

Commons : Giovanni Battista Casanova  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. City Archives of the State Capital Dresden, Church weekly papers 1685 / 1703-1902, July 2, 1795 to January 1, 1796, p. 465.
  2. Archived copy ( memento of the original dated December 14, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. City Archives of the State Capital Dresden, Church weekly papers 1685 / 1703-1902, July 2, 1795 to January 1, 1796, p. 465.