Giovanni Battista Salerni

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Giovanni Battista Salerni SJ (born June 24, 1670 in Cosenza , † January 30, 1729 in Rome ) was a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church .


Salerni joined the Jesuit order in June 1687 and made profession in Naples . In 1699 he was ordained a priest and then worked as a professor of theology and canon law in Rome, first at the Collegio Greco , then at the Germanicum . On behalf of Pope Clement XI. In 1709 he accompanied his nephew Annibale Albani to Saxony and Poland to negotiate the protection of the local churches. In 1712 Salerni succeeded in persuading the Polish prince Friedrich August to convert to the Catholic faith.

In the consistory of November 29, 1719, Clement XI took him. as Cardinal Priest of Santa Prisca to the College of Cardinals ; Salerni himself initially did not want to accept the cardinal revolt. In 1720 the Pope appointed him abbot of Ferraria . In the following year he took part in the conclave that Innocent XIII. chose, but left the congregation due to illness. Three years later, Cardinal Salerni took part in the following conclave , from which Benedict XIII. emerged as the new pontiff. In February 1726 the cardinal opted for the titular church of Santo Stefano al Monte Coelio . Giovanni Battista Salerni died in 1729 and was buried in the Roman church of Sant'Ignazio .

Two publications go back to his work at the Collegio Greco:

  • Specimen Orientalis Ecclesiae from origine ad Concilium Nicaenum , Rome 1702 ( digitized version )
  • Specimen orientalis ecclesiae a Concilio Nicaeno primo usque ad Costantinopolitanum generale secundum . Rome 1706 ( digitized version )

Web links


  1. Catholic Hierarchy names the year 1671
  2. ^ Entry in the Requiem database, PDF version