Giovanni Gradenigo (Doge)

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Giovanni Gradenigo (* around 1279 in Venice ; † August 8, 1356 ibid), called Nason, was the 56th Doge of Venice . He ruled from 1355 to 1356. During his reign, Venice made peace with Genoa and Milan , while on the other hand a war broke out with the Hungarians , with Gorizia and with the Patriarch of Aquileia .

Family, political career

The Gradenigo family was one of the most important and oldest, the so-called apostolic families of Venice. Before Giovanni's election, there were two other members of the Dogen family: Pietro Gradenigo (1289–1311) and Bartolomeo Gradenigo (1339–1342). Ludovica Gradenigo was married to his predecessor Marino Faliero .

His father Marino Gradenigo was a brother of Doge Pietro Gradenigo , his mother was a daughter of Doge Giovanni Dandolo . During his political career, the Podestà of Capodistria , Padua and Treviso was as well as procurator . He was married three times and had four daughters and four sons.

The Doge's Office

His election took place in a hurry, because apparently after the execution of his predecessor for high treason they wanted to restore orderly conditions quickly.

Gradenigo died after about 16 months in office. He was buried in the chapter house of the Frari Church without an epitaph or insignia of his office. The tomb has not been preserved.


predecessor Office successor
Marino Faliero Doge of Venice
Giovanni Dolfin