Giovanni Lenzei

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Giovanni Lenzei

Giovanni Lenzei (baptized August 12, 1626 in Clusone near Bergamo , † May 27, 1690 in Venice ) was an Italian composer .


Giovanni Lenzei received his first artistic training from his father, Giovanni Maria Lenzei, a violinist and composer. In 1645 at the age of 19, L Grenzi got a job as organist at the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo . When he was ordained a priest in 1651, he was also employed there as a pastor. He worked closely with the conductor Maurizio Cazzati , who also worked here . Their trio sonatas in church sonata style were performed during the fairs.

His first instrumental works date from this time, which show him as the predecessor of Arcangelo Corelli in the field of trio sonata .

In 1656 he was appointed Kapellmeister at the Accademia dello Spirito Sancto in Ferrara . Lenze held this office until 1665. In Ferrara he also began to compose operas under the influence of the librettist Hippolito Bentivoglio . In 1662 his first opera was performed with Nino il Giusto .

Lenze tried again and again to get better paid positions. He applied in vain in Venice (1665), Milan (1669), Parma (1670) and Bologna (1671), and for health reasons he did not accept the post of court musician at the French court. In 1665 he applied in vain for a job at the Viennese imperial court, possibly as the successor to Antonio Bertali .

By 1670 at the latest, he settled in Venice, where he took up the post of Maestro di Musica at the Ospedaletto, as the successor to Massimiliano Neri . From 1671 to 1681 he was also the director of the oratorio of the Congregatione dei Filipini , for which he set several oratorios to music. In 1676 he moved from the Ospedaletto to the Ospedale dei Mendicanti, where he also held the office of Maestro di Musica until 1683 . After a break of several years, from 1675 onwards he resumed opera production. In 1683 Giustino , his most successful opera, was performed at the Teatro San Salvatore in Venice .

After being in a contest for the post of Kapellmeister at St. Mark the Natale Monferrato was inferior, he was in 1681 appointed Vice-Kapellmeister to and four years later, after Monferrato death, he became the music director. The choir and orchestra grew considerably under Lenze's direction, and above all he hired strings, which shifted the sound of the winds in favor of the strings.

His great-nephew Giovanni Varischino , to whom he bequeathed his entire musical legacy, and probably Antonio Lotti , Domenico Gabrielli , Francesco Gasparini , Antonio Caldara and possibly the young Antonio Vivaldi, were among the many students of Lenze .

Stage works

  • L'Achille in Sciro (1663)
  • Il Cuor umano all'incanto (1673)
  • Adone in Cipro (1676)
  • Anarchia dell 'imperio (1683)
  • Antioco il Grande (1681)
  • Il Creso (1681)
  • La divisione del mondo (1675)
  • I due Cesari (1683)
  • Eteocle e Polinice (1675)
  • Germanico sul Reno (1676)
  • Giustino (1683)
  • Ifianassa e Melampo (1685)
  • Lisimaco riamato da Alexandro (1682)
  • Nino, il Giusto (1662)
  • Ottaviano Cesare Agusto (1682)
  • Il Pausanias (1682)
  • Publio Elio Pertinance (1684)
  • Totila (1677)
  • Zenobio e Radamisto (1665)


  • Oratorio del giuditio (1665)
  • Oratorio della passione (1671)
  • Sedecia (1671)
  • Il creation del mondo (1672)
  • Sisara (1672)
  • Moisè (1672)
  • La vendita del cuor humano (or Il prezzo del cuor humano) (1673)
  • La morte del cor penitente (1673)
  • San Giovanni Battista (1673)
  • Adamo et Eva (1674)
  • Gli sponsali d'Ester (1675)
  • Decollatione di S. Giovann i (1678)
  • Erodiad (lib. Neri) (1687)
  • Erodiade (lib.Piccioli) (1687)

Works with opus number

  • Concerti Musicali per uso di Chiesa. Op. 1 (Venice, Alessandro Vincenti, 1654)
  • Sonata a due, e tre. Op. 2 (Venice, Francesco Magni, 1655)
  • Harmonia d'affetti Devoti a due, tre, e quatro, voci. Op. 3 (Venice, Alessandro Vincenti, 1655)
  • Sonate dà Chiesa, e dà Camera, Correnti, Balletti, Alemane, Sarabande a tre, doi violini, e violone. Libro Secondo. Op. 4 (Venice, Francesco Magni, 1656)
  • Salmi a cinque, tre voci, e due violini. Op. 5 (Venice, Francesco Magni, 1657)
  • Sentimenti Devoti Espressi con le musica di due, e tre voci. Libro Secondo. Op. 6 (Venice, Francesco Magni detto Gardano, 1660 and 1665)
  • Compiete con le Lettanie & Antifone Della BV a 5th voci. Op. 7 (Venice, Francesco Magni detto Gardano, 1662)
  • Sonata a due, tre, cinque, a sei stromenti. Libro 3rd Op. 8 (Venice, Francesco Magni, 1663)
  • Sacri e Festivi Concerti. Messa e Salmi a due chori con stromenti a beneplacito. Op. 9 (Venice, Francesco Magni Gardano, 1667)
  • Acclamationi Divote a voce sola. Libro Primo. Op. 10 (Bologna, Giacomo Monti, 1670)
  • La Cetra. Libro Quarto di Sonata a due tre e quattro stromenti. Op. 10 (Venice, Francesco Magni Gardano, 1673)
  • Cantata, e canzonette a voce sola. Op. 12 (Bologna, Giacomo Monti, 1676)
  • Idea Armoniche Estese per due e tre voci. Op. 13 (Venice, Francesco Magni detto Gardano, 1678)
  • Echi di Riverenza di Cantate, e Canzoni. Libro Secondo. Op. 14 (Bologna, Giacomo Monti, 1678)
  • Sacri Musicali Concerti a due, e tre voci. Libro Terzo. Op. 15 (Venice, Gioseppe Salla, 1689)
  • Balletti e Correnti a cinque stromenti, con il basso continuo per il harpsichord. Libro Quinto Postumo. Op. 16 (Venice, Giuseppe Sala, 1691)
  • Motetti Sacri a voce sola con tre strumenti. Op. 17 (Venice, Gioseppe Sala, 1692)

The collections of works Acclamationi Divote a voce sola and La Cetra were both published as Opus 10.


Web links

Commons : Giovanni Lenzei  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Willi Apel : The Italian Violin Music in the 17th Century (= Archive for Musicology . Supplement 21). Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 1983, ISBN 3-515-03786-1
  2. Arnaldo Morelli: Entry in the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 64 (2005)
  3. Reinmar Emans: In The Music in Past and Present , 2nd edition. Vol. 10, Col. 1482-1490