Giovanni Lucchese

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Giovanni (Hans) Lucchese (also: Luchese , Lucchesi ; * around 1510 in Pambio , Ticino ; † January 1, 1581 in Innsbruck ) was a Renaissance master builder who was particularly active as Ferdinand II's court master builder in Innsbruck.


Giovanni Lucchese, who comes from an Italian master builder and stonemason family and was born in Pambio in Ticino, can be verified as a bricklayer in the imperial service in Prague since 1538/1539. In the service of Archduke Ferdinand II, he worked at Stern Castle in Prague after 1555, at the Belvedere Palace in 1559 and at Hradschin Castle from 1561 to 1564 . In 1561 and 1563 he traveled to Italy to recruit masters and masons.

Ambras Castle: The Spanish Hall in front of the High Castle

When Ferdinand II received rule over Tyrol and the foothills in 1564 , Lucchese came with him to Innsbruck, where he rebuilt the Hofburg among other things . He converted Ambras Castle from a medieval castle into a Renaissance castle and built the Spanish Hall there in 1570/71. Ferdinand II gave him a coat of arms in 1566 and appointed him court architect in 1567 .

Giovanni Lucchese was married to Domenica Aostalli, with whom he had three sons Domenico, Alberto and Adamo. Alberto Lucchese worked with his father on numerous buildings, later worked as an independent builder and succeeded his father as court architect in Innsbruck.

Lucchese brought the then new art of the Renaissance from Italy to Tyrol, which quickly caught on, but still used some late Gothic German elements.


Church of the Haller Damenstift (today Sacred Heart Basilica)
