Girolamo Mango

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Girolamo Mango (also Gerolamo or Hieronymus Mango ; born August 28, 1740 in Rome ; † January 1809 there ) was an Italian opera composer . He worked in Rome and as court conductor of Prince-Bishop Raymund Anton von Strasoldo in Eichstätt .


Girolamo Mango's father Antonio Mango was impresario at the Teatro Capranica in Rome from 1729 . He returned to his homeland, Naples, with his family in 1740.

Girolamo himself composed the music for several intermezzi, pasticci and oratorios in Rome . The first known performance of one of his works (the intermezzo La pedina alla monda ) took place during the carnival season of 1758 in the Roman Teatro detto della Pallacorda di Firenze.

On March 26, 1760, he was appointed to succeed Joseph Meck as court conductor at the court of Prince-Bishop Raymund Anton von Strasoldo in Eichstätt , who had made it his business to introduce Italian culture to Bavaria. In addition to Mango, many other Italian singers and musicians also worked there. While mainly amateur Jesuit dramas were performed before his arrival in Eichstätt, Mango introduced the opera seria and the opera buffa there. His music was performed at other Bavarian courts and his style became a model for other composers. One of his tasks was to compose a new opera seria for the prince-bishop and his guests every year for the New Year's celebration. He reached the peak of his reputation with his appointment as titular councilor on June 25, 1768. Mango's salary at 300 florins, including accommodation and meals, was initially only half as much as that of his predecessor Meck. He successfully asked for salary increases several times and also had his accommodation, food and wine rights paid for in money. On July 7, 1771, his annual salary was 750 florins. Nevertheless, he did not return to Eichstätt that same year after an educational trip. Anton Adam Bachschmid initially took over his duties there for two years , until he was officially appointed Mango's successor as Hofkapellmeister on April 10, 1773.

After leaving Eichstätt, Mango returned to Rome. For the carnival season of 1772, his farsetta La serva spiritosa was performed there at the Teatro Tordinona . On January 17, 1773 he was appointed Kapellmeister of the Congregazione dei musici di Santa Cecilia. In addition, from 1794 he took over duties for Duke Francesco Sforza Cesarini in Florence, to whose mother Marianna Caetani Sforza Cesarini he had already dedicated his opera L'imbroglio fortunato in 1773 . His first opera for Florence, La disfatta di Turno, was performed there on June 3, 1794 in the Teatro degli Intrepidi and received an extremely positive review in the Gazetta Toscana (No. 23 of June 7, 1794, p. 89).

In 1805 he fell seriously ill. Until his death in January 1809 he was taken care of by the Congregazione dei musici di Santa Cecilia. At his funeral three masses for the salvation of his soul were read in the church of San Carlo ai Catinari .

Mango's music is in the style of the early classical period. His symphonies are in three movements and formally correspond to the Neapolitan opera overture. In Eichstätt he strengthened the orchestra with timpani and additional wood and brass instruments. His orchestral setting is characterized by a sophisticated treatment of the wind parts, and he used transverse flutes and oboes as solo instruments. The preserved arias of his buffa operas use cheerful, slightly ornate melodies with simple harmony and homophonic accompaniment.


Stage works

With the exception of a few arias and symphonias, the music of Mango's stage works has been lost.

  • La pedina alla monda, Intermezzo; Libretto: L. Urbani; Rome, Teatro detto della Pallacorda di Firenze, Carnival 1758
  • La maestra, intermezzo ( pasticcio ); Libretto: Antonio Palomba ; Rome, Teatro Valle , 1760
  • Il paese della cuccagna, Intermezzi (pasticcio); Libretto: Carlo Goldoni ; Rome, Teatro Valle, Carnival 1760
  • Il sogno di Scipione , Serenata ; Libretto: Pietro Metastasio ; Eichstätt, 1764
  • Astrea placata , Serenata; Libretto: Pietro Metastasio; Eichstätt, 1765
  • Il Parnasso acusato e diffeso , Serenata; Libretto: Pietro Metastasio; Eichstätt, 1766
  • Ciro riconosciuto , Opera seria in three acts; Libretto: Pietro Metastasio; Eichstätt, 1767
  • La Galatea , Serenata in two parts; Libretto: Pietro Metastasio; Eichstätt, 1767
  • Adriano , dramma per musica in three acts; Libretto: Pietro Metastasio; Eichstätt, January 1768
  • Ezio , dramma per musica in three acts; Libretto: Pietro Metastasio; Eichstaett, 1770
  • Five little Italian operas ( Opere buffe ); Eichstätt, around 1760–71
  • L'eroe cinese , dramma per musica in three acts; Libretto: Pietro Metastasio; Eichstätt, 1771
  • La serva spiritosa, farsetta; Libretto: Gregorio Mancinelli ; Rome, Teatro Tordinona, Carnival 1772
  • Proserpina in difesa della schiava per amore e maga per accident, commedia in prosa; Libretto: Gregorio Mancinelli; Rome, Teatro Tordinona, February 1772
  • L'imbroglio fortunato, farzetta; Libretto: Gregorio Mancinelli; Rome, Teatro Tordinona, January 9th 1773
  • Le Sventure del principe Ramiro divenuto selvaggio per amore con Pulcinella e Bruscotto spaventati dall'ombra, commedia in prosa; Libretto: Gregorio Mancinelli; Rome, Teatro Tordinona, January 9th 1773
  • La maga per amore, farsetta; Libretto: Girolamo Donadini; Rome, Teatro Tordinona, January 3, 1776
  • La funesta caduta di Kulikam tiranno di Persia, Intermezzo; Libretto: Pietro Chiari ; Rome, Teatro Tordinona, January 3, 1776
  • Le governanti in discordia, Intermezzo; Libretto: Antonio Casini; Rome, Teatro detto della Pallacorda di Firenze, Carnival 1792
  • La serva amorosa, intermezzo; Libretto: Carlo Goldoni; Rome, Teatro detto della Pallacorda di Firenze, Carnival 1792
  • La disfatta di Turno, dramma serio in two acts; Libretto: Francesco Ballani ; Florence, Teatro degli Intrepidi, June 3, 1794

Preserved arias

  • Arias and duets from La maestra:
    • Questo core è tutto tuo
    • Padron mio caro
    • Quei begli tatting
  • Nel mirarti in volto o cara
  • Quam sum felix
  • Dovrà tremar l'ingrata
  • Sinfonia, arias and ensemble pieces from La disfatta di Turno

Spiritual works

  • Il Gionata, oratorio; Libretto: C. A. Femi; Rome, San Girolamo della Carità, Passion time 1759 (lost)
  • Mass in D major for eight voices, orchestra, organ and timpani; 1770
  • Mass in D major for four voices, orchestra, organ and timpani
  • Missa solemnis in D major for four voices, orchestra and organ; around 1770
  • L'esaltazione di Salomone al trono, oratorio in two parts for four voices, choir and orchestra; Libretto: R. P. V. Mammo; Rome, San Girolamo della Carità; around 1775
  • La casta Susanna, oratorio; Rome, San Girolamo della Carità, November 1778 (lost)
  • Mass in D major for four voices, orchestra and organ; around 1780
  • Missa solemnis in D major for four voices, orchestra and organ; around 1782
  • Haec Domini domus electa, Offertory in D major for four voices, instruments and organ; around 1780
  • Mass in A major for 4 voices, orchestra, organ and timpani
  • Chori beati, Offertory in D major for four voices, orchestra and organ
  • Eia chori resonate, Offertory in D major for four voices, orchestra and organ
  • Litany in C major for four voices, two violins, 2 flutes, 2 cornets and organ
  • Mass in A major for four voices, orchestra and organ; 1822 (doubtful)

Instrumental works

  • Five serenades for orchestra; around 1760–71
  • Sinfonia in D major for two violins, viola, cello, two oboes and two horns
  • Sinfonia in C major for orchestra; Rome, 1802

Web links

Commons : Hieronymus Mango  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Digital copies

  1. Adriano. Libretto (Italian / German), Eichstätt 1768. Digitized at the Munich Digitization Center .
  2. La disfatta di Turno. Libretto (Italian), Florence 1794. Digitized in the Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica di Bologna .
  3. L'esaltazione di Salomone al trono. Libretto (Italian), Rome 1775. Digitized from the Sapienza Digital Library .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Lisa Szeker-Madden:  Mango, Hieronymus [Gerolamo, Girolamo]. In: Grove Music Online (English; subscription required).
  2. a b c Antonella Giustini:  Mango, Girolamo. In: Mario Caravale (ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 69:  Mangiabotti – Marconi. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 2007.
  3. ^ Raymund Schlecht : Archival studies in the archives of Eichstaett in Bavaria. In: Monthly Issues for Music History. XV. Volume, 1883, No. 2 ( Online in the Internet Archive )