Gisela Agnes from Anhalt-Koethen

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Gisela Agnes from Anhalt-Dessau

Gisela Agnes von Anhalt-Köthen (born September 21, 1722 in Köthen ; † April 20, 1751 in Dessau ) was a princess of Anhalt-Köthen and, by marriage, princess of Anhalt-Dessau .


Gisela Agnes was the only surviving child of Prince Leopold von Anhalt-Köthen (1694–1728) from his first marriage to Friederike Henriette (1702–1723), daughter of Prince Karl Friedrich von Anhalt-Bernburg .

Since her father had remained without a male heir, Gisela Agnes' uncle August Ludwig succeeded him as Prince of Anhalt-Koethen. Gisela Agnes, however, raised claims to her allodial inheritance , which led to a lawsuit at the Imperial Court of Justice. With the mediation of the Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst , a settlement was finally reached. Gisela Agnes was compensated with a sum of 100,000 thalers and received an annual pension until she got married. She also received her father's rifle and coin cabinet and, when she married, another 32,000 thalers for her estates Prosigk , Klepzig and Köthen.

She married her cousin Prince Leopold II of Anhalt-Dessau (1700–1751) on May 25, 1737 in Bernburg . The marriage was described as very happy. The Princess's death hit Leopold so badly that, in poor health, he also died in the same year. Gisela Agnes was buried in the Marienkirche in Dessau .


From their marriage, Gisela Agnes had the following children:

⚭ 1767 Princess Luise Henriette of Brandenburg-Schwedt (1750–1811)
⚭ 1779 Baron Johann Jost von Loën (1737–1803)
⚭ 1765 Prince Simon August zur Lippe-Detmold (1727–1782)
⚭ 1769 Prince Simon August zur Lippe-Detmold (1727–1782)
⚭ 1774 Countess Henriette zur Lippe-Weissenfeld (1753–1795)


  • Ferdinand Siebigk: Das Herzogthum Anhalt , Desbarats, 1867, p. 227 f.
  • Gerhard Heine: History of the state of Anhalt and its princes , Heine, 1866, p. 186
  • Katrin Rawert, regent and widow. Temporal rule and the relationship between Gisela Agnes von Anhalt-Köthen and her children, in: Eva Labouvie (Hrsg.), Adel in Sachsen-Anhalt. Court culture between representation, entrepreneurship and family, Cologne 2007, pp. 49–77.